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Topic Thumbnails?

  • @assylumn



    I am new to BBpress and was wondering if there was a way to display a small thumbnail logo next to each topic within a forum.

    I am aware that there is a plugin that does this, however, that pulls an image from the topic itself and I want a standard image (site logo) to appear by each topic post.

    Here is an example of what I wish to achieve:

    The theme I am using was created in Artisteer but I am quite happy to edit the PHP if that is needed.

    Many thanks

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  • @robin-w


    which plugin are you referring to? That would be a good starter




    The plugin I am referring to is this one:

    The issue is that this one only pulls the thumbnail from the first image in the post. I want a default image to be used for all posts regardless so that the branding of the site remains consistent.

    There must be a way to do this through PHP, just I do not know where to start (and I have a limited knowledge of PHP).




    Ok, I cracked that code open, and think that putting in the following will work

    add_action( 'bbp_theme_before_topic_title', 'assylumn_insert_thumbnail' );
    function assylumn_insert_thumbnail() {
    	echo('<a href="">') ; 
        echo('<img class="bbp-topic-thumbnail"  width="100%" style="max-width: ' . get_option('thumbnail_size_w') . 'px; max-height: ' . get_option('thumbnail_size_h'). 'px; vertical-align:middle;" src=""/>' .'</a>');

    Obviously you’ll need to change the URL to your image

    You’ll need to add this to your functions file, if you don’t know how to do this, come back !



    Thank you for your swift response!

    I assume you mean the functions.php file within my template? If so, is there any particular point that I should insert the function?

    I have a site to deploy tomorrow so will look at this after I have done that and report back.

    Thanks again



    Yes, No particular point that you should insert it – I’d put it at the end.



    Hi Robin,

    That has worked but with a small issue….the image is displaying far bigger than the uploaded file which is 75x75px. What do I need to change in that code to help the formatting?

    This is on my test server but is the same environment that the final site will reside in.

    Many thanks



    Got it!

    Reduced the width from 100% to 25% and now it looks good.

    You sir, are a Gentleman!

    Many thanks for the assist!



    Great, glad it all worked !

    If you’re not using a child theme, then any theme upgrade may overwrite your functions file, so keep a note of the final code you used, as you may need to add it back.

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