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Topic tags

  • @gerikg


    When I tried to add a tag and hit the add button nothing happens it just doesn’t do anything but it still adds it. Would the integration be a cause of this?

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  • @gerikg

    Member here is the test site. try to add a tag.



    I wasn’t able to add a tag either :(



    One thing, not sure if it matters. The forum pages all return a 404 code, even though the page is displayed. This was an old problem with WordPress integration.

    Here is something:

    Also, are you including wp-load.php or wp-blog-header.php? Should be wp-load.php.

    There is another post on these forums on how to fix it but I cannot find it right now.



    I did wp-blog-header.php. I changed it to wp-load.php and it works great, thanks.



    Awesome, that’s good to know. I was trying to explain the other day why to include wp-load.php vs. wp-blog-header.php and didn’t have a good reason.



    Wow Chris, I’m so impressed by your sleuthing!!



    from SAM

    “A first attempt at getting WordPress 2.7 and bbPress 1.0 to play nice again is now in trunk [1862].

    I’m specifically talking about “deep” integration, i.e. when you include WordPress inside bbPress to gain access to WordPress’ functions.

    This will need a lot of testing, so please post any issues you have on the relevant Trac ticket, #972 (which will stay open until some more testing has occurred).

    I recommend using the following code at the top of your bbPress bb-config.php file to include WordPress inside bbPress:

    if ( !defined( ‘ABSPATH’ ) ) {

    include_once( ‘/Full/Path/To/wp-load.php’ );


    Note that this includes “wp-load.php” not “wp-config.php” or “wp-blog-header.php”. This avoids running WordPress’ template loader which presumably isn’t needed inside bbPress. Some implementations may want it though, so if you find you need it then give it a go and let us know how that goes.

    Also note that all filters and actions set in WordPress whether default or added by plugins or themes are cleared out completely. That means that plugins and themes installed in WordPress cannot add filters or actions to bbPress at all. This may have some implications I’m not aware of yet.

    Go nuts! “

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