Ryan, I can’t really remember if I had this happen before or not, but.. taking a guess here.. does this sound like something similar to what you’re having?
Thanks for getting back to me. No double quotes in the config. Here’s a screen capture http://ryanfitzer.com/captures/empty.jpg
I currently have 4 posts.
Oh yeah, BTW, I meant the posts area. Sorry, new to bbPress.
In the posts tab of the admin section, I think only deleted posts show up (that is my experience and I have 171 posts in 21 categories. ) If you want to view/edit/delete/’mark as spam’ the posts, log in as admin and perform your work on the forum, not the admin section. It was confusing to me at first, thinking they would show up the admin section, but there’s nothing I would need to do with them there anyway.
If fact, looking through bb-admin/content-posts.php, the <h2> tag is hard coded “Deleted Posts”:
<h2><?php _e('Deleted Posts'); ?></h2>
So, I think that is the intention: to just show deleted posts.
You’re totally right! I was looking all over the admin to find out how to make a post sticky, but it’s right there at the bottom of the actual post. I was used to an older version of bbPress (only used it briefly). Thanks so much for the help.
Sorry I didn’t get back sooner, was having problems with my MediaWiki 1.9alpha install, well actually I still am sigh.. Anyway, [slaps self].. after seeing what chrishajer wrote there, yeah.. it would only make sense lol!
Glad to hear you got it figured out, and someone helped you!

Thanks spencerp. Yeah, it makes sense for all that stuff to be at the bottom of the threads but I just had no clue. It also seems like they took out a few more admin options since the early versions. I cant put my finger on it since the only early version install I had was copied over with this new one.
so10 has been working on getting more admin options that pull out of the database so that plugins will work well with the admin. That re-structuring is part of the lack of admin options for now.