Hi all,
I just solve it with this video https://support.dev4press.com/kb/article/rich-editors/ and also you have a free plugin bbp Style pack what can help to get the same.
My problem now is I don’t understand why buttoms are black (and really ugly) https://support.dev4press.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2020/10/2020-10-16_104427.jpg
How can I change it?
try adding this to your theme’s custom css, or the custom css tab of style pack
.mce-ico {
background: transparent center center !important;
color: #595959 !important;
you might need to play with the color to get what you want
Thanks you Robin, but it looks something wrong in css. I was “touching” bbpress’s css and maybe I break something.
How can I do to reset all the plugin? I mean, delete all bbpress and reinstall like new. Maybe it could help me.
if you decativate and delete the plugin and then re-install, then forums, topics etc. will be kept, but css will revert to default
yes I see.
And how is possible Visual Editor mantein this format
but if you change to HTML editor, is OK?
How can I do to restore de default format of visual editor?