do you know how to add something to your childtheme functions file ?
Hi Robin,
In functions.php? I do know how to enter code there, via ftp or cPanel. I just don’t know what code to enter to solve for this. 🙂
than add this
//This function changes the text wherever it is quoted
function rew_change_translate_text( $translated_text ) {
if ( $translated_text == 'This forum is empty.' ) {
$translated_text = 'new text';
return $translated_text;
add_filter( 'gettext', 'rew_change_translate_text', 20 );
Instead of ‘This forum is empty.’ you will get ‘new text’, so just change new text to what you want
eg change the line
$translated_text = 'new text';
$translated_text = 'Categories listed below';
– if you want it blank then have that line say
$translated_text = '';
Thanks much. that worked. 🙂
Is there no way to remove that element all together? Or at least if I knew which
CSS file this is formatted in, I could play around with the spacing. That text takes
up quite a bit of space at the top of the forum and pushes everything down further than
I would like.
I am pretty good as user the inspector to identify areas to change but I have a heack of a time determine which css file is involved.
Thanks again for your help!
if you have a child theme, and are happy with ftp, I can give you a revised template
sure that would be great. Thanks 🙂
create a directory on your theme called ‘bbpress’
ie wp-content/themes/%your-theme-name%/bbpress
where %your-theme-name% is the name of your theme
Make a copy of this file, and put in in the directory called bbpress that you created above, so you end up with
bbPress will now use this template instead of the original
and you can amend this
so change line 26 from
<?php bbp_single_forum_description(); ?>
<?php if (bbp_get_single_forum_description != 'This forum is empty.') bbp_single_forum_description(); ?>
Thanks, I’ll give this a try and let you know how it goes.
hello how can i add link on text ??
if ( $translated_text == 'This forum is empty.' ) {
$translated_text = 'new text';
add_filter( 'gettext', 'rew_translations', 20 , 3 );
function rew_translations( $translated, $text, $domain ) {
if ($domain != 'bbpress' return $translated;
if ( $translated == 'This forum is empty.' ) {
$translated = 'new text';
return $translated;
I am trying to do the same change. I want to get rid of the box that says, “THIS FORUM IS EMPTY.” Why does it need to be there? It’s so uninviting.
I am using the forum as a category, which is an option, so why does it insert “THIS FORUM IS EMPTY” when I choose “CATEGORY”? That message should automatically change or disappear when a forum is used as a category. That would be a permanent and logical fix on the developer’s end.
My problem is that I don’t know where to insert the code that you suggested above. Is it on the site dashboard or in the site hosting? Please start the instructions farther back.
To do this without code install
bbp style pack
once activated go to
dashboard>settings>bbp style pack>Forums Index Styling item 16
or with the code above use
Code Snippets
BBp style pack has everything.