If you open this file in a browser, you will find that its give a 404 error which means its not even there. Double check it, upload and overwrite once and you will be fine.
I try to delete and upload, i try to overwrite two times but nothing…
the same problem, the permission are 770
If you can’t access it in a browser, that explains the issue itself, its not able to find the file at the location.
Try deleting and uploading the whole plugin folder
Glad that you got it working. these things can be annoying at times. Just stay calm and apply brains 
What for the theme?
if I put the theme on my-templates don’t work, if I put the theme on bb-templates it works 
You will need to fix file permissions for them to work. Take a look at this – http://blog.ashfame.com/2009/09/fix-my-templates-my-plugins-folder-not-working-bbpress/
Also for your handy reference, I share my bbPress resource page with you – http://blog.ashfame.com/bbpress/
Let me know if you are stuck with anything again. I will be happy to help you out
thank you very very much! I save your fantastic page for the future! 
I ask you another thing, there is a way for put a menu of wordpress (then with wp_list_page() ) pages on bbpress forum without insert:
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . ‘/../wp-load.php’); ??
if I do the deep integration putting this string on my bb-config a plugin go in conflict…
ay idea?
Is better then i’m open a new topic?
you can replicate the same code for menu on bbPress side and it should work fine.
Regarding conflicts, it was never made to work like that (Deep integration) and if there is some conflict you can only fix it yourself else you are out of luck.
mmm if I put
<?php wp_list_pages(‘title_li=&child_of=172&depth=1’); ?>
don’t work….if a load wp-load.php it work.
obviously you would need to deep integrate it with WordPress to use a WordPress function on bbPress side.
Deep integration – http://blog.ashfame.com/2010/02/deep-integration-bbpress-wordpress/
Its better if you just copy the menu html over to bbPress theme. How much do you edit navigation anyway.
Advantage & Disadvantage of deep integration – http://blog.ashfame.com/2010/02/bbpress-deep-integration-advantages-disadvantages/
ok, I copy only html! thank you