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Theme Support said change forum slug to fix template?

  • @sc00t


    Hi everyone,

    I have had no end of trouble with PopularFX support on this issue!

    I managed to get the forums to display within the theme using a shortcode here:


    But as you look at an individual forum (i.e. Feedback) the forum is no longer incorporated within the theme. If you then click a thread, neither is that.

    PopularFX changed a margin, somehow thinking that would fix the issue, but instead made containers for all the text on my website 10 pixels wide!

    They then reverted that back and replied a few days ago saying “change your page slugs.” – so ended their support, and replies to my support ticket!

    So are they right in saying changing my page slugs will somehow incorporate the forums into the theme? And if so, how do I go about doing so?

    I’m using Popular FX, Scoops.

    Thanks in advance!

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  • @robin-w


    you would fix this issue by amending a template in your theme, but as you have already said that they don’t let you change stuff, then I suspect that you will have to live with what is being shown.

    Sorry, limited ability to fix when you have limited ability to use WordPress



    Thanks Robin, which template would require amending?



    Apologies, I was mixing you up with another user whose hoster does not allow changes. if you have FTP capabilitiy then

    I’d suspect you need a bbpress.php template

    see section 8



    Cheers Robin and no worries!

    I’ve got a BBPress.php file copied from pages.php but it has had no impact.




    First port of call is always

    dashboard>settings>permalinks and just click save – this resets the permalinks and may help

    always worth a punt when things aren’t displaying

    Then I’d suggest you install the plugin ‘what the file’, and then in a page that is not displaying right it will tell you in the toolbar what templates in your theme it is using at that point.

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