theme plugin will not load top level template files
What function do I have to add to my plugin file in order to get bbPress to load the top level template files?
I have a plugin that has a structure as follows:
my-custom-theme – includes all the top level templates like archive-forums.php, archive-topics.php, etc
my-custom-theme/bbpress – includes all the template files found in the standard bbPress plugin such as loop-forums.php, loop-replies.php, etc
my-custom-theme/css – includes bbpress.css
The problem I am having is when I activate my plugin, the css is being loaded properly from my plugin, and the template files found within the /bbpress directory are also loading properly from within my plugin.
When activated the top-level template files such as archive-forums.php, archive-topics.php, etc are not loading.
Instead, bbPress is loading the standard page.php file from twentyten, which is the theme I have activated.
So everything works, EXCEPT the loading of the top-level templates.
What function do I have to add to my plugin in order to get bbPress to also recognize those files?
*It is completely confusing as to why bbPress would see everything except those files….
And YEAH, I’ve tried everything I can think of for almost a week now. I’ve asked 2 other bbPress developers and neither of them has a clue either, so I’m not that ignorant of lazy.
Here is the 500th attempt at getting it right:
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