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Theme malfunction

  • @tammyhart


    I have a multisite installation with pretty much nothing on it. I installed bbPress, didn’t network activate it, activated it on my main site, and the main forums page works, but nothing else. I just get my plain page.php template, not the bbPress twenty-ten child theme templates.

    So I tried dumping the templates into my theme. Still nothing. I switched the site’s theme to twenty ten and all of the pages work great. Switch back to my theme, and it’s not working.

    I tried adding the add_theme_support in, nothing. Then I uploaded 2.1-bleeding, still nothing. I put the theme on a non multisite installation, installed bbpress, same results. I installed bbPress on another site using a theme i’ve created, worked fine. So.. I’m missing something somewhere in my theme, and It’s driving me nuts. Any insight at all would be most appreciated.

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  • @anointed



    I don’t think that the template files are currently used, even if placed within your currently active theme. According to JJ< bbPress 2.1 should make this much easier.

    Right now, the only way I know how to change the appearance in your own theme is to actually remove the shortcode actions and write your own custom shortcodes.

    You can of course add a bbpress.php/forums.php page and place that within your theme to do some basic changes such as removing sidebars.



    I figured it out. It had something do with me calling the_excerpt_rss in my header.php. removed it, works perfectly!



    wow, that makes no sense, never would have guessed that would be an issue. Wonder what the cause/effect is. I don’t do that, yet template files have no effect. Will have to dig deeper.

    thnx for the info.



    I’m in a similar boat here…have a multisite install, installed bbpress plugin (2.0.2) and all worked fine for awhile, I changed gears to polish up the first phase of the project and now, the forum appears half-baked. The main forum page (/forums) shows the list of test forums, but each forum link appears to just use the page.php template…the install seems to have lost the bbpress templating. Seems like I’ve seen similar issues discussed here on the bbpress forum before…but no solution presented. Can anyone help? thx!

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