usually issues are caused by updates to plugins or themes – did you do any updating ?
No that is the bizarre thing, there was an update pending for a plugin but I like to leave updates a few days so that devs can fix any issues their updates caused.
I did the pending update when I saw the missing text tab hoping that maybe would do something, but alas not.
I have gone through and turned various things on and off to see if they sort the issue, but seems to be very odd…
I tried the Chrome and IE F12 to see if it threw up any obvious errors but could not see any?
is this topics/replies/forums or all 3 ?
Not fully sure I follow, sorry.
The text tab does not work when trying to reply to a topic or when creating a new topic.
However it is fine in the wpress post end:

ok, so just front end.
The visual/text options are an add-on, maybe from my style pack plugin or another – do you know how these are added?
I use WP Edit.
There are some settings in there for bbpress which let you override the bbpress toolbar with the WP Edit toolbar, but I have checked/unchecked and cleared the cache to no avail.
I have also tried deactivating it…
I also have GD bbPress Tools and GD bbPress Widgets.
I have messed around with their settings and also deactivate them at the same time and individually.
Ah-ha found the issue.
I have a plugin that speeds up page loading: Async JavaScript
I turned that off and the text tab re-appeared.
I can exclude things from the above plug-in by script,
Do you know if the bbpress text tab thing is a script?
I can exclude it that way and keep the plug in.
if it is a script, then it will probably be in the WP edit plugin – suggest you post on their support site