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tag search doesn't work

  • @foresme



    I’ve just tagged all my forum topics. However, I’m not sure what the tag is actually for. When I click on a tag – which is hyperlinked – I expect to be directed to search results which display other forum topics with the same tag.

    Instead I get a search results page which doesn’t take me anywhere.

    More specifically, I get directed to a page called ‘topics’ with this underneath:

    “Search for: › Forums › Topics Viewing topic 1 (of 1 total) Topic Voices Posts Freshness Externalizations of mental illness and health Started by: Re-Authoring Teaching in: Conversation Lounge 1 1 1 month, 1 week ago Re-Authoring Teaching Viewing topic 1 (of 1 total)”

    Could somebody wonderful clarify the point of topic tags for me?

    Many thanks!

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  • @netweb


    Topic Tags are to group like topics in a taxonomy.


    They should in no way link to any search results.

    Based on your own site if have some tagged topics ‘mytopictag’ and you click that topic tag your link would be similar to

    If these links are resulting in some how opening search results could you add some examples of the URL links you are seeing.



    Hello Stephen,

    Thank you so much for your reply. Yes, if I click on either a hyper linked tag, or use the ‘search’ field in the forum or sidebar widget, I get directed to a page with meaningless results.

    (See my first post for an example). There is not, as in your example, a list of relevant topics or forums associated with that tag or keyword.

    A URL example of where I end up when I click on a linked tag:


    Gives me:


    Search for: › Forums › Topics Viewing topic 1 (of 1 total) Topic Voices Posts Freshness Externalizations of mental illness and health Started by: Re-Authoring Teaching in: Conversation Lounge 1 1 1 month, 1 week ago Re-Authoring Teaching Viewing topic 1 (of 1 total)

    And when I perform a search using the search field I get:


    which gives me:

    Search Results for ‘TED’

    A narrative therapy involves listening to and telling or retelling stories about unique and empowered people and the challenges and problems they encounter in their lives.

    Continue Reading..

    The continue reading is a dead end and I’m left wondering why a list of topics and forums isn’t being generated?

    Thanks for helping! You’re a star.



    ‘Search’ and ‘topic tags’ are completely separate entities.

    I get directed to a page with meaningless results.

    When you open a topic tag link you will only ever see topics that have been explicitly tagged with that topic tag, bbPress will never try to guess relevant topics in relation to topic tags.

    Similarly with search you will only get the relevant search term.

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