So first off, when someone makes a post on a thread I an subscribed to, I get and email. Is there a was I can switch this off for the whole site?
Sorry, I’m a bit confused. The only function of subscribing is to get email notifications of posts made to a thread, so if you don’t want emails, don’t subscribe to a thread 🙂
I want everyone to automatically subscribe to a thread that they post in.
Is there a way to do that?
bbp style pack
once activated go to
dashboard>settings>bbp style pack>Topic/Reply Form>item 6
Oh rightXD I installed a different plugin that supports bbPress that sends on-site notifications for subscribed threads.
And thank you!
not exactly sure what ‘sends on site notifications’ means but same plugin, but this time
dashboard>settings>bbp style pack>unread posts
The plugin gives me a bell icon on a menu, then takes me the thread.
What should I do once I go to Unread Posts?
not sure what the question is – I’d suggest you spend some time getting trying to see what it does
Thank you very much for your help!