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Subscribe – Post Author Not Receiving Email

  • @astraldeva


    Ok, I have looked everywhere for a solution to this, from digging through the support forum to plugins. I can’t seem to find it, so I’m going to see if anyone knows how to fix this issue for my particular needs.

    I have bbpress installed, and we use it for an interactive fiction game. I have auto subscription set up for all users using I need for the forum/topic subscription emails that go out to users to include the author who wrote the topic/reply. As it is, if I write a reply, I don’t receive a copy of it in my email – even if I am subscribed to the forum. This is the same for all users. My users would like to receive a copy of their own reply to a topic or post in their email along with the other subscription emails.

    I am fully capable of editing PHP, I just need to know where to look and what I’m looking for in the subscription email setup.

    Thank you for any help.

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  • @robin-w


    yes, that is the default position, I’ll try and work out some code in the next few days.

    If I have not come back in 3 days time, post again to remind me !



    Thanks for looking into this. 🙂



    the function that bbpress uses is in


    line 1055 starts the function, and lines 1150 to 1153 are the offending ones which stop it being sent to the author

    I’d suggest you unhook that function and then hook your own

    so in your child theme functions file maybe have

    remove_action( 'bbp_new_reply',    'bbp_notify_topic_subscribers',           11, 5 );
    add_action ( 'bbp_new_reply' , 'rew_notify_topic_subscribers', 11,5 ) ;

    and then copy the whole bbp_notify_topic_subscribers function to your functions file, rename it to ‘rew_notify_topic_subscribers’ and edit out the lines which stop it being sent to the author

    do come back if anything isn’t clear, I’m assuming a level of knowledge you may not have, and quite happy to help further

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