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Stop Email Notification

  • @juliemarie99


    Wordpress 4.7 bbPress 2.5.12. Need to globally turn off email notifications – they are triggering spam and shutting down other needed WordPress member notifications.

    Is there a way to let them subscribe and keep notifications in the forum? I can’t find any solutions or plugins to at least turn the email sending on and off while I even figure out a solution.


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  • @charlenewebsavvy


    any updates on this.I too want to turn off notifications



    Agreed — this really needs to be an available option under Settings>Email

    Any thoughts on this @netweb @johnjamesjacoby ?



    @reedy @juliemarie99,

    Some extra info would be needed:
    – I understand that you want an option to centrally activate like ‘Do not send out email’. Let me have a quick look at that.
    – But what do you mean with ‘keep notifications in the forum’ ?




    @casiepa I’d like to see an option on the Settings > Email page that says something along the lines of:

    Send an email notice when:


    A new post is made in a subscribed forum Yes/No
    A new post is made on a subscribed topic Yes/No

    Is the ‘Settings > Email’ page generated by buddypress? If so, would this option need to be added elsewhere else?

    As for the ‘keep notifications in the forum’ — that’s for @juliemarie99 to clarify. I suspect they’re referring to members being able to disable email notifications but keep the online notifications that appear on the notifications page.



    Just an added thought — if the ‘Settings > Email’ page is generated by buddypress, perhaps the email subscription options could be added to the top of the ‘Forums > Subscriptions’ page (I believe this is generated by bbpress).



    This is bbPress, for BuddyPress you could check the BuddyPress forums 🙂

    Below just a quick idea to stop ALL email to subscribers, but UNTESTED:

    function casiepa_fltr_get_forum_subscribers( $user_ids ) {
    	return array();
    // add the filter 
    add_filter( 'bbp_forum_subscription_user_ids', 'casiepa_fltr_get_forum_subscribers', 10, 1 );



    As just received from @sergey, you could also set this filter:
    add_filter( ‘bbp_is_subscriptions_active’, ‘__return_false’ );

    Or just: Settings → Forums → Forum Features → Subscriptions; uncheck “Allow users to subscribe to forums and topics”. That should stop all communication directly.




    I think the point we’re trying to make is we don’t want email notifications to be determined by the admin. We want users to be able to stop emails on an individual account level, according to their preference. The existing method for members to unsubscribe from individual forums and topics is cumbersome, especially when members have initially subscribed to a large number of topics.

    I don’t want to turn off all email subscriptions. However, I do want my users to be able to switch off all subscription email notifications in an easy way, should they wish to do so.

    Does this make more sense?




    I tried your suggested untested code

    `function casiepa_fltr_get_forum_subscribers( $user_ids ) {
    return array();
    // add the filter
    add_filter( ‘bbp_forum_subscription_user_ids’, ‘casiepa_fltr_get_forum_subscribers’, 10, 1 );`

    it’s not working for me 🙁

    I have an urgent matter where bbpress is sending our multiple emails not just from the recent activities of the day but from all notifications from the beginning of the whole forum. I’m not sure on how to stop the thing. People are being driven nuts




    I misunderstood that part ! Now I see what you mean, a decision for the user to make not for the admin.
    Would for sure be a good future enhancement.


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