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Still not recognizing login cookies with WP…

  • @jim-r


    I’ve gone between bbpress, Simple Press, and phpBB3 using wp-united. I’m back to bbpress, just because I’m looking for something lighter, and I would presume, as time rolls on will be more in sync with WP. It’s frustrating though, as this is about the fifth time I’ve done a clean install of bbpress and still can’t get it to recognize login cookies. That’s logging in and logging out.

    It does at least recognize users’ information, and my user base isn’t high maintenance.

    I have double checked all of the cookie/salt values. They match. I don’t have a secure salt in my WP, so I didn’t have a value to put into bbpress. Could that be it? Also, nowhere in my bbpress installation does it ask for a noonce value. Could that be it?

    I haven’t done any ‘deep integration’ yet, but from what I can tell that has more to do with aesthetics, which I’m sure will cause me more ‘funnerific’ problems.

    I realize there are dozens of topics dealing with this, but nothing seems to really help on my end. I’m using WP 2.8.4.

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  • @delayedinsanity


    Did you select integration during the installation? I’m assuming so – you should have the following values set in WordPress which you will use during this process to have added to your bb-config.php and the bbpress database;








    The four that go in your bb-config.php (should be handled by the installation):





    The three that should be (matched) in your database (the bb_meta table) are:




    …the rest of the integration allegedly needs no attention with the latest WP/WPMU and bbPress, but I have the bbPress Integration plugin installed on mine anyways, and at the very least it doesn’t hurt. It also gives you some additional cookie information to add to your wp-config.php



    Use this link: It has 8 keys.

    NOTE: do NOT use any “www.” anywhere when entering information.

    1. Open wp-config line replace your new keys with the one from that link. (lines 55-61)

    2. Copy the same keys to bb-config just add BB_ after define(' in each key so it will be define('BB_AUTH_KEY', ' (lines 41-44)

    3. Install & activate BBpress Intergration plugin

    4. Get the information from the plugin and put it in line 20 in wp-config and line 13 in bb-config. (if you’re using WPMU take out the HASH line when you put it in bb-config)

    5. Log into your BBpress admin section and navigate to SETTINGS -> WORDPRESS INTEGRATION enter all the information it ask for, save.

    6. Clear you cache and you should be ready to go.



    oops took too long to post. mwaterous could be right. I did it this way just in case.



    I’ve done all of that, except the SECURE_AUTH_SALT. There isn’t a setting for it anywhere.



    Make one. :) We promise we’ll cover our eyes.

    Once you have one for your wp-config, load up your favorite phpMyAdmin (er…) and make sure there’s an entry for bb_secure_auth_salt in the bb_meta table, and that it matches the string you added to your wp-config.



    There is no place to put a secure_auth_salt in the settings/options menu for WP.



    I have followed all the instructions above, including creating my own secure_auth_salt, which is just a slightly altered version of one of the other salts, which I copied to both my WP/bbpress integration settings in bbpress as well as my WP options data table (since there isn’t a secure_auth_salt setting).

    In other words, it all matches, but it doesn’t work.




    2) There won’t be. You have to add it directly to the wp-config.php file, in the following format:

    define('SECURE_AUTH_SALT', 'replacewithyourstring');



    Still not working. I’ve cleared my cache and cookies, then restarted my browser. : (



    JIM R is you followed what I wrote you won’t be able to edit the keys in the BB admin menu, it will all turn to gray boxes with a lock on them.



    I have followed all of the steps for sure, at least to the best of my ability to recognize.



    Jim R, if you want to email me I can take a look at it. my user name at



    Okay, I looked at his settings and config files. I got fresh keys both to match. He had the deep integration line and cookie lines all fine. The problem was in the bb-admin setting for WordPress intergration the URL had the www. , once that was taken out it worked fine.



    Yes, confirming, Gerikg’s post. It’s working just fine.

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