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Stickies ban doesn’t work in shortcode

  • neon67


    Hi. I use a shortcode from bbP shortcodes like [bbp-display-topic-index show=’6′ forum =’2692,2696,2697,2698,2700,2702′ show_stickies=’false’] Question about Stickies – the display does not depend on this records – false or true. I even tried to write no – it doesn’t help either, the topics are always shown at the top.
    BBpress 2.6.11
    How is this solved?

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  • Robin W


    I think you are using the style pack plugin shortcodes, in which case it is bsp not bbp.

    Also the above is using the wrong apostrophies, it may be because you pasted without using the code button

    This should work

    [bsp-display-topic-index show="6" forum ="2692,2696,2697,2698,2700,2702" show_stickies="false"]

    If not come back



    Thanks for your feedback!
    I use the bbP shortcodes 2.8 plugin only, don’t have the style pack plugin. The bbp-display-topic-index shortcode works great with both double or single quotes—everything! except for sticker management. In the web code, the line that I want to disable is written as .bbp-topics ul.super-sticky, .bbp-topics-front ul.super-sticky – this is all standard, I didn’t change anything.

    Maybe the problem is the shortcode is used twice on the page? I plan to allow stickers in one block, but prohibit them in the second – other forums and stickers are not appropriate there.

    Robin W


    I’ve just taken a look, and yes I cannot get it to do what it should.

    I’ll have a further look



    Thank you. I’ll be waiting.

    Robin W


    so are you saying that ‘stickies’ are always showing for you, they are never showing for me!



    Еverything according to the recipes bbP shortcodes 2.8 – works. Stickies are always shown if they are marked by the admin.
    There were several layers in my CSS code – I need to figure it out. I just wanted to make sure that everyone’s bbP shortcodes 2.8 is working properly.

    Robin W


    ok, so before the shortcode block, add a custom html block saying

    <div class="my-block-name">

    then your block with the shortcode you dont want the sticky to show in

    then another custom html block with


    then use

    .my-block-name sticky {
    display : none ;



    Great idea, close everything in css.
    I first tried your option – so far it’s not working. This can’t happen? I added it’s important! No result. I looked in the code – it’s super-sticky. No again. I set the class-dot and it worked. This is what works for me:
    .hiddensticky .super-sticky {
    display: none;
    An entry about sticks in the shortcode is not needed.

    Thank you very much for your help.😍

    Robin W


    no problem, glad you are fixed !

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