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List Of Shortcodes

  • @flamuren


    How come I cant find a shortcode for the bbpress user profile?

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  • @robin-w


    bbp style pack

    once activated go to

    dashboard>settings>bbp style pack>shortcodes



    I have you eminent plug in and love it already 🙂 And already checked the shortcodes there. However there is only a shortcode to add a button/text to press that links to the profile. I would love a shortcode as the [bbp-forum-index] but for example [bbp-forum-profile]. Cant find any but maybe there is non?



    there is no [bbp-forum-profile] which is why I wrote the bsp profile – what is your concern in using that one ?



    Robin, I am amazed at your support and help. It feels like you ARE bbpress somehow. Hope you feel the appreciation you deserve. Big thank you for your replies 🙂

    To my concern/friendly question:
    “[bsp-profile] will show ‘My Profile’ in a clickable link to the profile” – it fixes a link if added to a new page. I want it to show the profile directly on the page without pressing a link first 🙂

    If I am using [bbp-forum-index] on a page, then the forum shows directly on that page. Not a link 🙂 Thus I was wondering if there is any way to do the same for the profile of a user? Because I would like it to show on a specific new page I have. Hope that explains it better.



    ok, the profile is called via a url

    so is this page you want to have just got the profile in it, or other content?



    Just the profile 🙂

    (If possible also a “change password” and “log out” button within the bbpress profile – this is being fixed by a guy I am paying atm)



    so how do the users get to the profile, just having a profile page is complicated.

    ie so what is sending users to this page ?



    Using wp/my theme top menu. I have a roll down menu with some forum “things” I like to have, and one of those is the forum users profile.



    Split this topic off of the 7 year old one, so that the old one goes back into the pit of despair.



    @flamuren great – do you want it as code to out in your child theme functions file or a baby plugin?



    I dont have a child theme and I dont know how to make one either, sorry to say. So that leaves us to baby plugin – which I dont know what it is 😅 hehe

    Is there no way I could add the profile as I did with the forum index? It was super easy just using [bbp-forum-index] 😍



    Is there no way I could add the profile as I did with the forum index? It was super easy just using [bbp-forum-index]

    – no, the way profiles work doesn’t easily lend to that 🙂

    1. Go to


    and download the plugin to your computer – make a note of where you saved it !

    2. on your website go to dashboard>plugins>add new>upload plugin and browse to the file you downloaded in 1. above
    3. Install and Activate
    4. If you already have a page called ‘Profile’ then make sure this has the permalink ‘profile’
    5. If not then create a page called ‘Profile’ and make sure it has the permalink ‘profile’
    6. in the content of the profile page put something like

    ‘You need to be logged in to see your profile’ – you can add the bbpress login shortcode in here as well if you wish ie [bbp-login]

    The above is what will show to people who click the profile menu item who are not logged in

    Save the page and exit

    7. In Dashboard>appearance>menu’s add the profile page to the menu you want to.

    now you will have ‘Profile’ showing as the menu item, and if clicked and logged in you will go to your profile page, if not logged in, you will see the content above.



    Robin you son of a wordpress god! That works!! haha amazing – please let me know how to send you some money 🙌



    great – glad you are fixed.

    go back to




    I re-did my permalinks to be Swedish. And ofc this page disappeared and I paniced before I realized this plug in made it possible. I wonder if I can somehow change step 4 above, so that I can use permalink = “min-profil” instead?



    Excuse me for asking before trying more myself. Manage to fix my question above, looking at the plugin file and changing the permalink name in there. Did not know I could change plugin files myself 🙂



    @flamuren – you can change plugin files, but if they are on wordpress repository and have updates, then updates will overwrite them.

    Just keep a note of what you changed, so that if say I do a fresh version which you want, you can then apply your changes afterwards



    Thank you Robin 😊

    About the notes. Would you recommend a excel file logging everything I do with any code; for example which files (path) and which line/lines etc?

    I have done some changes when reading some easy codes that I understood how to add etc. But dont remember them by now 😅



    I generally keep a log of what I change, as my memeory isn’t what it was !



    Ok, thanks 🙏

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