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Specific Roles are not visible forums in backend

  • @parths267


    I have multiple roles on my website, I have observed that some of my user roles have no access to forums in the backend. They can access all other pages/modules on the website. Can you please provide me with any quick fixes for this? It’s good if I can override these settings to my child theme via any hooks. Thanks in a advance

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  • @robin-w


    backend forums are generally only seen by bbpress keymasters

    I’d need further details on what roles, are these default roles or have you set them up etc. to try and help further



    Thanks for a quick update. I have a participant role for a user and still, it is not able to access forums. For more details what you required, I can share here



    For your information – I have also tried by adding “keymaster” capabilities to users



    I’m very unclear as to why you want participant users to access forums, or even topics and replies in the backend??

    This gives them effectively admin access where they can crate and delete forums, and other users topics and replies.



    Yes – I will manage for other modules but I just want to give access to forums



    do you mean access to the forums on the front end ?

    Step by step guide to setting up a bbPress forum – Part 1

    item 3

    You really don’t want to give access at the backend – bbpress is simply not designed to work that way !



    It is working for other user roles, only not working with “portal-admin” user role only.
    Except this, others have access of it



    portal-admin is not a default wordpress or bbpress role, so how ever you created that, you’ll need to add the appropriate bbpress capabilities to it.

    bbPress User Roles and Capabilities



    As told earlier I have added “Keymaster” capabilities to portal admin user role. As well – on the last thread I have also mentioned other users with custom user roles having access of it.



    ok, sorry I can’t help you any further, it will be a difference that you will need to work out.

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