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Sidebar reappear in topic and topic/

  • @gogitossj34


    Hey guys, I’ve been looking everywhere for this
    I installed bbpress and made a forum ( just testing ).
    I want my forum to be full width and without the side bar. Tried the “1 column full width” layout and some custom css.
    The best I’ve got is a no-full-width forum WITHOUT side bar in the /forum/ page.
    But further than that like /forum/topic/… the side bar reappear.
    My site is and my theme is Stargazer Colloquium.
    Any help is appreciated.
    Thanks in advance.

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  • @gogitossj34


    Ok, now I’m noticing this.
    If the forum content is at
    http://www./forums which is where my forums page is at ( the page content bbp-index )
    It wont show sidebar as the page is using the full width layout.

    If the content is at http://www./forum which is where bbpress root is at, it will have the sidebar.

    Maybe you’ll figure something out from that

    And I’m just curious why is it hybrid_get_sidebar and not get_sidebar ?

    Remove the hybrid caused problem with line 21 which is the
    Copyright © 2014 The young marketers community . Powered by WordPress and Stargazer sentence.



    getting this, code checker said it’s mssing ); ?> on line 52 or 50

    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘;’ in /home/a7203024/public_html/wp-content/themes/stargazer/bbpress.php on line 52

    Just have this weird idea. What if we make a copy of footer.php, name it footer1.php then delete the getsidebar line in it. Afterthat, modified bbpress.php for it to call the footer1.php nstead of footer.php ?



    Sorry, ignore the code checker part, the error said it all.



    can you copy lines 51-53 into here please !



    It looks like my footer and bbpress.php files was corrupted some where so I downloaded the theme and bbpress plugin and extracted the files and tried your method again.
    This time, it worked, though not perfectly, the sidebar is gone but it’s still not full width.

    And again, only content in http://www./forum which is bbpress root is not full width, everything else is ok.

    Any suggestions ?



    ok, this theme has annoyed me so much that I have down loaded it.

    I then saw that it claims to be a bbpress friendly theme, aghh!!! why not include a fullwidth forum????

    so had a little play

    on my test site the following works

    bbpress.php looks like

    <?php get_header(); // Loads the header.php template. ?>
    	<?php if ( have_posts() ) : // Checks if any posts were found. ?>
    		<?php while ( have_posts() ) : // Begins the loop through found posts. ?>
    			<?php the_post(); // Loads the post data. ?>
    			<article <?php hybrid_attr( 'post' ); ?>>
    				<?php if ( is_singular( get_post_type() ) ) : // If viewing a single page. ?>
    					<header class="entry-header">
    						<h1 <?php hybrid_attr( 'entry-title' ); ?>><?php single_post_title(); ?></h1>
    					</header><!-- .entry-header -->
    					<div <?php hybrid_attr( 'entry-content' ); ?>>
    						<?php the_content(); ?>
    						<?php wp_link_pages(); ?>
    					</div><!-- .entry-content -->
    				<?php else : // If not viewing a single page. ?>
    					<header class="entry-header">
    						<?php the_title( '<h2 ' . hybrid_get_attr( 'entry-title' ) . '><a href="' . get_permalink() . '" rel="bookmark" itemprop="url">', '</a></h2>' ); ?>
    					</header><!-- .entry-header -->
    					<div <?php hybrid_attr( 'entry-content' ); ?>>
    						<?php the_content(); ?>
    						<?php wp_link_pages(); ?>
    					</div><!-- .entry-content -->
    				<?php endif; // End single page check. ?>
    			</article><!-- .entry -->
    		<?php endwhile; // End found posts loop. ?>
    	<?php else : // If no posts were found. ?>
    		<?php locate_template( array( 'content/error.php' ), true ); // Loads the content/error.php template. ?>
    	<?php endif; // End check for posts. ?>
    </main><!-- #content -->
    		<footer <?php hybrid_attr( 'footer' ); ?>>
    			<div class="wrap">
    				<?php hybrid_get_menu( 'social' ); // Loads the menu/social.php template. ?>
    				<p class="credit">
    					<?php printf(
    						/* Translators: 1 is current year, 2 is site name/link, 3 is WordPress name/link, and 4 is theme name/link. */
    						__( 'Copyright © %1$s %2$s. Powered by %3$s and %4$s.', 'stargazer' ), 
    						date_i18n( 'Y' ), hybrid_get_site_link(), hybrid_get_wp_link(), hybrid_get_theme_link()
    					); ?>
    				</p><!-- .credit -->
    			</div><!-- .wrap -->
    		</footer><!-- #footer -->
    	</div><!-- #container -->
    	<?php wp_footer(); // WordPress hook for loading JavaScript, toolbar, and other things in the footer. ?>



    Thanks for trying so hard to help me.
    Can you send the file to me since I’ve notice that copying the code sometime corrupt this theme. Even copying the original code break it sometime.



    I tried your code anyway, fixed some stuf here and there and apparently, it worked but there is still some problem.

    The copyright part is acting weirly now.

    The one on orther page and the one in the forum is very different.

    Can you give it another shot, we are so close to finally win this theme. :))



    ok, not sure if you meant get back the stuff about the author etc, or rthe width of the copyright or both !

    So I’ve put a copy on my website, as like you copying form here seems to lose bits.

    If you don’t want the about author bit, then take out the line 52 as shown in the file

    Hopefully we are there now, but come back if not !



    Yes, you did it. Everything is perfect now. Thanks a lot for your hard work. I guess this is solved now.

    Actually, I still have other things related to this theme and bbpress but I guess I’ll create different topic for them. Hope you’ll help me with them too.



    great – glad you’re fixed for this one.

    Don’t forget to close off your questions in the stargazer support forum, so that the author doesn’t waste time trying to answer them !



    whatdayya mean by that ?



    Nothing bad 🙂

    It can take me up to 1/2 hour to investigate a problem before I even start to reply. Since your are fixed here, you wouldn’t want Justin wasting time trying to find a solution to a problem that has been fixed elsewhere, so was suggesting that you closed the tickets you created at

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