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Showing http images in https bbpress site

  • @bobjgarrett


    We have a bbpress forum in a secure site. A member has just tried to show images from his own site within our forum. It seems that because his site is not secure (http) the images do not get rendered.
    Is there any way to fix this?

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  • @robin-w


    can you confirm that https ones work, and how are you loading these?



    I used “inspect” in Chrome and the img code looked okay but http.
    I copied the image URL (http) to a separate window and it worked.
    In Inspect I copied the URL of an image from another thread in the site (Https) with an image which worked and it still worked.
    I the copied the URL of an image from another HTTPS site that I manage and it showed.
    So my assumption is that it is the http image within an Https page is making it fail to display.

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