Making Plugins
bbPress has a plugin API that functions exactly the same as WordPress’. All the familiar functions such as do_action(), add_filter() and so forth are found in bbPress. One of our goals is to make bbPress as pluggable as possible. If you have suggestions for new hooks or other improvements, please let us know.
There’s no plugin folder in the bbpress distribution. Where to put the php plugin files to be sure they’ll get parsed automatically ?
Using Plugins
To use a plugin, simply create a directory in your main bbPress directory called my-plugins and put the plugin file in it. bbpress does not currently have a plugin activation/deactivation interface like WordPress’. Any .php file in your /my-plugins directory will be run.
Why have the authors of BBPress been so daft as to not add a “my-plugins” directory to the default installation of BBPress?
It was my first question, just like everybody else on the forum, “where’s the plugin folder”.
Hey, it might seem obvious to those of you who know the BBPress, but for heaven’s sake make it easy for the newbies. You did it for WordPress, so why not BBPress?
Get with it and think of the users you programmers!
Hey, did you see the bit about bb being open-source? Yeah? So fix it.
When I figure out how to use Trac, then I WILL fix it. 8þ
Unless some one else beats me to it. 
And seeing as you appear to be familiar with the inner workings of all of this, perhaps you might be the person to do it.
Please… with icecream and cherries on top.