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Restricted Access forums in bbPress 2.0

  • @cliff1976


    I am enthusiastic about bbPress 2.0, but I am severely missing the ability to restrict access to specific, named forums.

    Public / Private / Hidden separation of access is not sufficient for my purposes. I need to have the ability to grant different users access to several distinct hidden forums.

    I’ve been scouring this board and the WordPress plugins section for something that is bbPress 2.0 compatible and so far had no luck.

    Is there something obvious I’m missing? Any core functionality in the works to make this happen? Any plugins doing that already?

    In a nutshell, this is what I need:

    Users A,B,C can see Hidden Forum #1.

    Users C,D,E can see Hidden Forum #2.

    Users A,B cannot see Hidden Forum #2.

    Users D,E cannot see Hidden Forum #1.

    User C can see both hidden forums.

    Administrators can, of course, see any hidden forum.

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  • @trobee


    I don’t know if this is possible at the moment. I started writing a plugin to try and add this functionality but my knowledge of php is not good enough.

    I have achieved a similar solution, though it lacks some functionality, by using a multisite wordpress install, and having each site with its own forums, and making each site only viewable to members. Then, if you want a user to be able to see a forum you make them a member of the site. The downside of this is that you have multiple forum areas.

    I have created some shortcodes to allow you to list forums from multiple sites on single page, but have not got around to adding it as a plugin yet.

    If you would like to try it out then you can grab the code from the pastebin link here and just create an empty folder in your plugins directory, then copy the text from pastebin into a new php file in that folder.

    The usage is a bit strange and explained in the other thread

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