[resolved] [resolved] My bbpress HOW TO / tutorial
I love bbPress for it’s simplistic design, but setting it up can be a bitch especially if you don’t care for standard sidebars & widgets like me, so:
Getting bbpress to work wonders is as easy as 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12!!
On 2012-01-19, this is what I did to originally setup my forums for a free wireless network:
0) Pre-clarification: [???] means some number, like twenty[???] means twentyten or twentyeleven
1) Downloaded most recent WordPress, setup database and installed it.
2) Installed bbpress:
go to http://yoursite.dom/wp-admin/ > Log in to admin > Plugins > Add New > search for “bbpress” > Install Now
3) Copied contents of bbpress theme folder to wordpress theme folder:
/wp-content/plugins/bbpress/bbp-themes/bbp-twenty[???] to /wp-content/themes
(this is done ONLY so that we can select the bbforums theme and it’s handy templates: Please note that you should only make modifications in the /wp-content/plugins/bbpress/bbp-themes/bbp-twenty[???] folder NOT the /wp-content/themes/bbp-twenty[???] folder as the bbpress plugin will not read those)
4) Switched to the bbpress theme
Log in to admin > Appearance > Themes > under the “Available Themes” section I activated the “bbPress (Twenty [???])” Theme
5) Created my home page, login page, register page, and lost password page:
Log in to admin > Pages > Add New > set title to “Home” | right hand column > Page Attributes > set Templates to “bbPress – Forums (index)”
Log in to admin > Pages > Add New > set title to “Login” | right hand column > Page Attributes > set Templates to “bbPress – User Login”
Log in to admin > Pages > Add New > set title to “Register” | right hand column > Page Attributes > set Templates to “bbPress – User Register”
Log in to admin > Pages > Add New > set title to “Lost Password” | right hand column > Page Attributes > set Templates to “bbPress – User Lost Password”
6) Switched WordPress frontpage from the blog to my home/forums page:
Log in to admin > Settings > Reading > Front page displays > Clicked “a static page…” > set front page to “Home” (and left posts page blank)
7) Allowed New Users to Register
Log in to admin > Settings > General > Under Membership I checked “Anyone can register”
Created and Modified my header, footer, and sidebar files:
All theme modifications MUST be done within the wp-content/plugins/bbpress/bbp-themes/bbp-twenty[???] folder and not the folder you just copied to the wordpress theme folder as bbpress will only read files within in it’s own local plugin (see #3).
The theme doesn’t come with these files installed, so copy them from another theme like twenty[???]:
wp-content/themes/twenty[???]/header.php to wp-content/plugins/bbpress/bbp-themes/bbp-twenty[???]
wp-content/themes/twenty[???]/footer.php to wp-content/plugins/bbpress/bbp-themes/bbp-twenty[???]
wp-content/themes/twenty[???]/sidebar.php to wp-content/plugins/bbpress/bbp-themes/bbp-twenty[???]
I then stripped them to my satisfaction making sure to keep WordPress’ header action hook, wp_head();, and then styled them accordingly.
One of the things I added to the header.php was my menu and such:
$text .= '<options>';
if(is_user_logged_in()) {
global $current_user;
$text .= 'You are logged in as '.$current_user->display_name.'
Your Profile | Your Topics | Your Replies | Logout';}
else $text .= 'Login | Register | Lost Password';
$text .= "
" . get_search_form(false);$text .= '</options>';
echo $text;
If a visitor is not logged in the above menu will show links to the pages I just created in #5, but make sure that the page_id matches the correct page. You can do this by checking the Permalink of that page:
Log in to admin > Pages > All Pages > select the page your interested in > notice the page_id in the permalink & make sure it matches in the header file.
If a visitor is logged in, it will show who you are logged in as, give you a link to:
your profile (/wp-admin/profile.php)
your profile (/wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=topic)
your posts (/wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=reply)
and a link to logout ( wp_logout_url() )
This menu will then print a search form.
9) Installed Search bbPress plugin:
Log in to admin > Plugins > Add New > search for “search bbpress” > Install Now
If you don’t do this, wordpress’ search form won’t search your forums.
10)wordpress avatars & bbPress Avatars:
As of 2012-01-19, the latest version of WordPress (and therefore bbPress) has Gravitars support built in. So, if you sign up at https://en.gravatar.com/site/signup, you can associate an email address with your avatar. And if you also use that email address as the one you used for your wordpress/bbpress account then bbpress and wordpress will automatically show that avatar associated with the email address you supplied to gravitar.
Simple Local Avatars:
If you’re like me, you don’t want to force your visitors to sign up with gravitar, so the simplest avatar solution I found was to install the “Simple Local Avatars” Plugin:
Log in to admin > Plugins > Add New > search for “Simple Local Avatars” > Install Now
An avatar section will now display at the bottom of your profile page at /wp-admin/profile.php
11) Consolidating bbPress profile pages
bbPress gives you the choice of editing your profile in two places, but since avatars only show up at /wp-admin/profile.php and not index.php?bbp_user=[???]&edit=1 we will consolidate the profile editing to just /wp-admin/profile.php . To do this, we add the follwoing code to the end (but before the ?> ) of the wp-content/plugins/bbpress/bbp-themes/bbp-twenty[???]/functions.php file:
add_filter('bbp_get_user_edit_profile_url', 'my_bbp_get_user_edit_profile_url', 10, 0);
function my_bbp_get_user_edit_profile_url () {
return "/wp-admin/profile.php";
This basically overwrites the bbp_get_user_edit_profile_url function whereever it’s used.
12) I’m done! For now at least. Hope that helps. Those were the things I cared about.
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