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[resolved] [resolved] My bbpress HOW TO / tutorial

  • @freequency


    I love bbPress for it’s simplistic design, but setting it up can be a bitch especially if you don’t care for standard sidebars & widgets like me, so:

    Getting bbpress to work wonders is as easy as 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12!!

    On 2012-01-19, this is what I did to originally setup my forums for a free wireless network:

    0) Pre-clarification: [???] means some number, like twenty[???] means twentyten or twentyeleven

    1) Downloaded most recent WordPress, setup database and installed it.

    2) Installed bbpress:

    go to http://yoursite.dom/wp-admin/ > Log in to admin > Plugins > Add New > search for “bbpress” > Install Now

    3) Copied contents of bbpress theme folder to wordpress theme folder:

    /wp-content/plugins/bbpress/bbp-themes/bbp-twenty[???] to /wp-content/themes

    (this is done ONLY so that we can select the bbforums theme and it’s handy templates: Please note that you should only make modifications in the /wp-content/plugins/bbpress/bbp-themes/bbp-twenty[???] folder NOT the /wp-content/themes/bbp-twenty[???] folder as the bbpress plugin will not read those)

    4) Switched to the bbpress theme

    Log in to admin > Appearance > Themes > under the “Available Themes” section I activated the “bbPress (Twenty [???])” Theme

    5) Created my home page, login page, register page, and lost password page:

    Log in to admin > Pages > Add New > set title to “Home” | right hand column > Page Attributes > set Templates to “bbPress – Forums (index)”

    Log in to admin > Pages > Add New > set title to “Login” | right hand column > Page Attributes > set Templates to “bbPress – User Login”

    Log in to admin > Pages > Add New > set title to “Register” | right hand column > Page Attributes > set Templates to “bbPress – User Register”

    Log in to admin > Pages > Add New > set title to “Lost Password” | right hand column > Page Attributes > set Templates to “bbPress – User Lost Password”

    6) Switched WordPress frontpage from the blog to my home/forums page:

    Log in to admin > Settings > Reading > Front page displays > Clicked “a static page…” > set front page to “Home” (and left posts page blank)

    7) Allowed New Users to Register

    Log in to admin > Settings > General > Under Membership I checked “Anyone can register”

    8) Created and Modified my header, footer, and sidebar files:

    All theme modifications MUST be done within the wp-content/plugins/bbpress/bbp-themes/bbp-twenty[???] folder and not the folder you just copied to the wordpress theme folder as bbpress will only read files within in it’s own local plugin (see #3).

    The theme doesn’t come with these files installed, so copy them from another theme like twenty[???]:

    wp-content/themes/twenty[???]/header.php to wp-content/plugins/bbpress/bbp-themes/bbp-twenty[???]

    wp-content/themes/twenty[???]/footer.php to wp-content/plugins/bbpress/bbp-themes/bbp-twenty[???]

    wp-content/themes/twenty[???]/sidebar.php to wp-content/plugins/bbpress/bbp-themes/bbp-twenty[???]

    I then stripped them to my satisfaction making sure to keep WordPress’ header action hook, wp_head();, and then styled them accordingly.

    One of the things I added to the header.php was my menu and such:


    $text .= '<options>';

    if(is_user_logged_in()) {

    global $current_user;


    $text .= 'You are logged in as '.$current_user->display_name.'
    Your Profile | Your Topics | Your Replies | Logout';


    else $text .= 'Login | Register | Lost Password';

    $text .= "
    " . get_search_form(false);

    $text .= '</options>';

    echo $text;


    If a visitor is not logged in the above menu will show links to the pages I just created in #5, but make sure that the page_id matches the correct page. You can do this by checking the Permalink of that page:

    Log in to admin > Pages > All Pages > select the page your interested in > notice the page_id in the permalink & make sure it matches in the header file.

    If a visitor is logged in, it will show who you are logged in as, give you a link to:

    your profile (/wp-admin/profile.php)

    your profile (/wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=topic)

    your posts (/wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=reply)

    and a link to logout ( wp_logout_url() )

    This menu will then print a search form.

    9) Installed Search bbPress plugin:

    Log in to admin > Plugins > Add New > search for “search bbpress” > Install Now

    If you don’t do this, wordpress’ search form won’t search your forums.

    10)wordpress avatars & bbPress Avatars:

    As of 2012-01-19, the latest version of WordPress (and therefore bbPress) has Gravitars support built in. So, if you sign up at, you can associate an email address with your avatar. And if you also use that email address as the one you used for your wordpress/bbpress account then bbpress and wordpress will automatically show that avatar associated with the email address you supplied to gravitar.

    Simple Local Avatars:

    If you’re like me, you don’t want to force your visitors to sign up with gravitar, so the simplest avatar solution I found was to install the “Simple Local Avatars” Plugin:

    Log in to admin > Plugins > Add New > search for “Simple Local Avatars” > Install Now

    An avatar section will now display at the bottom of your profile page at /wp-admin/profile.php

    11) Consolidating bbPress profile pages

    bbPress gives you the choice of editing your profile in two places, but since avatars only show up at /wp-admin/profile.php and not index.php?bbp_user=[???]&edit=1 we will consolidate the profile editing to just /wp-admin/profile.php . To do this, we add the follwoing code to the end (but before the ?> ) of the wp-content/plugins/bbpress/bbp-themes/bbp-twenty[???]/functions.php file:

    add_filter('bbp_get_user_edit_profile_url', 'my_bbp_get_user_edit_profile_url', 10, 0);

    function my_bbp_get_user_edit_profile_url () {

    return "/wp-admin/profile.php";


    This basically overwrites the bbp_get_user_edit_profile_url function whereever it’s used.

    12) I’m done! For now at least. Hope that helps. Those were the things I cared about.

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  • @yogeshwarrv


    I installed bbpress forum.
    In the 5th point it is noticed that I have to select the Templates to “bbPress – User Register”. But I don’t have that option in the template list.
    Please help me how to get resolve this to get signup page.

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