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[Request] BBpress with WYSIWYG editor TinyMCE

  • @numediaweb


    Hello there,

    It would be really a nice thing to have a wysiwyg editor in bbpress, just like the one that wordpress have: TinyMCE, since it is open source.

    the current editor is too much simple and complex at the same time especially when:

    * you converted your forum from a wysiwyg based forum; vbulletin (native), phpbb (as plugin).. to bbpress, you loose lot of formatting.

    * most of the users don’t know how to deal with bbcode.

    * you need a fast way to copy-past formated text and images.

    * currently no efficient wysiwyg plugin available in the bbpress plugins.

    * it is not an option, it is a must-have feature in every successful board.

    most phpbb forum owners criticized harshly the lack of wysiwyg in phpbb; people keeps asking for it and phpbb developers keep ignoring them and saying that they want to keep phpbb simple!!! so users leave to other forums!

    for the people who like the current bbpress simple editor, bbpress can offer a switch in the dashboard to toggle wysiwyg editor on and off.

    what do you think?

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  • @kevinjohngallagher


    I doubt people neither chose nor leave a forum because they’ve not implemented TinyMCE; which is not to say that some people don’t like WYSIWYG, but it’s importance is often overstated.

    phpBB, as your example, seems to be doing ok without it. I’m sure I saw them hit their 10th birthday and gazillionth download not that long ago. Basiaclly, phpBB has been around since before Google.

    you converted your forum from a wysiwyg based forum; vbulletin (native), phpbb (as plugin).. to bbpress, you loose lot of formatting

    Why did you lose your formatting?

    Thats not a bbPress thing, was it in the conversion (i haven’t done one yet)?

    Is the formatting still in the post?

    If it is, there are numerous bbCode plugins for bbPress for years now. Let us know what’s gone and I’ll try and help you sort that. I think that could be a nice fix for you! :)

    it is not an option, it is a must-have feature in every successful board



    I think that a WYSIWYG editor isn’t a must-have feature in a bullettin board and I don’t see a lot of forums with this functionality (I follow ~30 bb daily.) I have implemented my editor for bbPress only cause it’s boring to write the “a” tag (and others). Quicktags (bbcode or html) are the way to go IMHO.



    I agree with Abdessamad Idrissi. Having a better visual editor would be very helpful.



    If you are using bbPress 2.x it includes TinyMCE support.

    If you’re not getting the TInyMCE editor on topic/replies then you need to inspect you plugins and see what might be filtering/disabling the editor.



    I will take a look at that. We have been using a third party plugin (WP Markdown) for a long time to overcome the issue. I will try deactivating that plugin and see what happens.




    Thanks again Jared!!

    It turns out we were using the old textarea method for displaying the reply form in our template. Doh!



    bbPress 2.3 will come with an improved TinyMCE experience, similar to what you see here at

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