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Reply pages & SEO issues

  • @michalco


    I suspect that the fact that bbPress creates a reply page for each topic, may cause some SEO duplicate content issues. Would like to hear your opinion about it

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  • @johnjamesjacoby


    I don’t know what you mean by ‘creates a reply page for each topic.’ Can you explain a bit more?



    Suppose someone wrote a question X, and got reply Y. I noticed that bbPress creates one URL that includes question X+Reply Y (forum->X), and a second URL that includes reply Y only, without question X (forum->X->Y). Google indexed both urls. Its duplicate content. Is there any way to configure bbPress not to create the second URL?



    Where are the single reply URL’s being exposed? If they are, it wasn’t done intentionally. There does need to exist some single permalink for each individual reply, as it’s how editing on the theme-side works.

    It may help also if you include example URL’s of how you see this happening here on, so I can see it in context with a relatively stock installation.



    Here is the example. Hope can see the problem though everything including the url is in Hebrew…

    This is the topic URL.
    and this is the reply URL.



    Thanks, but not what I’m asking for. 🙂

    I can predict the actual URL structure itself. What I’m looking for are where the single reply URL’s are being used in your theme, making them accessible and allowing them to be crawled.

    As a better example, can you find where those single reply permalinks are exposed here on If so, can you walk me through where you’re seeing them?



    I just noticed the same thing my self.

    Basically Yoast WordPress SEO: XML Sitemaps automatically adds ALL reply url’s to the existing sitemap. This means google will index them all.

    > What I’m looking for are where the single reply URL’s are being used in your theme, making them accessible and allowing them to be crawled.
    I doubt they are exposed by default, however a quick fix could be adding a rule in robots txt as well as excluding them from your sitemap.



    I have the same problem with “Google (XML) Sitemaps Generator for WordPress” .
    A rule in the robots.txt is very bad idea. You got a lot of errors in the WMT…

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