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Reply edit and topic

  • @c0cc0bill


    I upgraded to version 2.1. But now if i edit e save a reply, i lose the connection between reply and topic. Solved with version 2.1.1 or is it just my problem.

    The recount function is no longer available?


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  • @netweb


    I have just edited a reply directly and from /wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=reply and the reply still links to the correct topic.

    Recount/Repair Relationships is still there and working fine at /wp-admin/tools.php?page=bbp-repair



    Thanks Netweb, you have been very kind to respond.

    In fact it is as you say, if the edit is to form. If, however, i edit by wordpress panel to edit the topic and replies, I lose the connection.

    When migrating to 2.1 I have chosen the theme compact. Before I had the theme of twenty.

    I confirm that i am missing the function recount :((



    Could you take some screenshots/pictures and post them to an image sharing site (eg. showing what is wrong/missing etc.



    Thanks Netweb.

    Here is the screen shot. The “NO TOPIC” at the top right I remember that appeared a year ago with the first versions of bbPress plugin. Then the problem disappeared.
    When saved, the connection between topics and reply of origin is lost, of course. .

    Sure you can edit from the box, but it is easier for an administrator to do so by wordpress edit post function.



    Have you run all the ‘Repair Forums’ tools?



    Thanks Netweb.

    With your screenshot i found Recount and other tools :-)) .

    I’ll move all the tools and let you know.

    Thank you.

    • This reply was modified 12 years, 7 months ago by c0cc0bill.



    Relationship between topic end reply is lost if i edit reply from “wordpress edit reply”.

    After running the Repair Forums, son not finds his father.

    I have to copy old reply, delete it and put it back from input box bbpress.

    • This reply was modified 12 years, 7 months ago by c0cc0bill.



    I think I solved. The reply edit from the “edit panel wordpress” does not lose the relationship with the topic parent if i remove to check on option “Use the fancy WordPress editor to create and edit topics and replies”.

    I thought the fancy wordpress editor could be used only to create topics and replies.

    Thank you.



    My problem was similar in that I was also losing the connection between replies and their parent topics. In my case all the ‘parent’ topics were not being listed in the reply attributes box and so the connection was lost if we re-saved the comment.

    The reason for this was the display limit of 250 for the topics.

    My fix:
    In plugins/bbpress/bbp-admin/bbp-metaboxes.php function bbp_reply_metabox at the //topics section I increased the value in ‘numberposts’ => ‘5000’

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