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Replies not showing up in forum

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  • Some more information would be helpful, a link to your site, what version of WordPress and bbPress are you using etc.

    Note: I split this from the other topic, no sense bumping old topics for something that sounds familiar but 99% of the time never is…



    Hi Stephen, thank you.
    Here’s the link:
    You need to login to see the content: localp / localplayer1
    Wordpress Version: 3.9.1
    bbPress Version: 2.5.4
    Buddypress: 2.0.1



    Thanks Stephen!



    My replies in this forum are not showing..? any reason..?

    This is a theme issue, your theme isn’t letting bbPress inject it’s template styles.

    Ceate a file in the root of your theme called bbpress.php and putting the following code into it

     * bbPress wrapper template.
    get_header(); ?>
    <?php while( have_posts() ): the_post(); ?>
    	<?php the_content(); ?>
    <?php endwhile; ?>
    <?php get_footer(); ?>



    Hi Stephen, I created this file and it’s still not working.
    I updated the theme to the newest and it also does not work?
    any help? It would be so important for my clients.
    Thanks, Chris

    Have you just recently changed themes or added new plugins?

    It looks like replies were working and now they are not.

    Do you see the replies when using the Twenty Fourteen theme?

    To check if there is a plugin conflict start deactivating every plugin installed one by one until you see the replies appear, this will then help us work out what plugin is causing the conflict.

    I think it is a very high chance that whatever plugin you are using for your membership is blocking replies, S2Member or Wishlist Members maybe.

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