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  • @kannued


    I had upgraded a bbpress from 1.1 to current 2.5.4. And I realized yesterday, that there is about 75 replies that are not showing up. I do believe they are spam replies which occurred sometime with bbpress 1.1. When I go into wp’s dashboard to view replies, it just shows the number of replies “Publisher (75)”, but there is no way to see a listing or view any of the replies. If I go into Widgets, and put recent replies in a sidebar, the rest of my sidebar contents disappear. The same happens if I put the replies widget in the footer. The only plugins installed are Askimet and BBPress. The theme used is Twenty Ten. I believe I have to go into the database to view and probably delete the replies, but I’m not sure where to look. In what part of the database are replies hosted?

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  • @kannued


    Found the replies in wp_posts. Deleted the rows with spam. Solved one aspect of the problem. Even though the database classifies them as posts, in the wp dashboard some numbered in replies (which I still can’t view in the dashboard), while they also show up in topics. But they don’t show up as posts in the dashboard. Any solution to forcing the replies to view in the dashboard?



    Apologies, that first reply above was spam 🙁

    I presume you ran each of the repair tools after import? (Tools -> Forums), if you haven’t ran these, run each of them and you might be all set without going into the database.

    If you have run the repair tools then at this stage I can really only suggest you dive into the database again to have a look at what is going on….

    Some tips:

    – bbPress 2.x uses custom post types, in the wp_posts table you should see three post types forum, topic and reply in the post_type column.
    – If you look at one of your replies in the wp_posts table you should be able to get the post ID of the parent topic by looking at the post_parent value of the reply your investigating.



    Stephen, I wasn’t sure what I was to do once I had the post ID from the database, as there wasn’t any where to call for post id’s on the dashboard. But I solved my original problem with no replies, as follows:

    I deleted everything and started over with installing wp and then integrating bbpress. My problem was that I had de-activated all other plugins before using bbconverter, as the only active plugin. The key is to have the plugin bbpress also activated before using bbconverter to integrate. Plugin BBpress activation helps bbconverter to know where to put everything like replies, voices, and comments, putting everything in the right place.



    You shouldn’t be using ‘bbconverter’, bbPress 2.x includes its own importer now and is in fact that very same plugin now included within the core of bbPress. There has also been vast improvements and bug fixes to both the converter and the bbPress 1.x importer.

    From your WordPress Dashboard -> Tools -> Forums -> Import



    Stephen, this was news as whenever I looked in import before, there was nothing referring to bbpress. So I checked out here, I reset everything to WP 4.0.1, and bbpress 2.5.4. and tried to follow through your instructions. But mapping fields was way too complicated for me since I would put down post-id but there wasn’t another column with a “map to”. I was ready to go back to bbconverter as the only problem I had was html code in the topics and replies which I would have to strip. Minor, as my old forum is not very big, but still tedious enough.

    But then I tried this. I reset everything to WP 3.6 and bbpress 2.0.2. Checked the Tools > Import, and what do you know, there was a bbpress standalone link! Following through I converted everything over. Reviewed the test site: forums, topics, replies, voices, users, tags, and any stray html code in posts. WOW, everything was there, exactly where it should be, with exact content duplicated!

    For any integration on bbpress standalone into wp, I highly recommend integrating with WP 3.6 and bbpress 2.02.



    1. You shouldn’t need to manually map anything with WordPress 4.0.x and bbPress 2.5.x, bbPress 2.x can import bbPress 1.x 100% perfectly “out of the box” without any additional plugins or manual intervention.

    2. If you want to integrate bbPress 1.2 with WordPress then this also works with a few tweaks also, see this post for details on this.

    In summary there is no reason to be not using the latest version of WordPress with either bbPress 1.x or 2.x.

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