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Replies become public in search results but in private forum

  • @nikki365gaming


    Hello all,

    I have recently created a bbpress forum in a WordPress website. Being used to phpbb I have faced a few issues that seem to be not standard in bbpress or missing but found ways around it. Here comes my issue in place….there is a private forum in the forum, the off topic one where people introduce themselves. This topic is hidden when nog logged in…so far so good. Because the forum is closed, all topics and replies are safe….at least I thought. Until I added the search in forum plugin and realized that all replies made in the private forum/topic where still public?!

    As the users enter the reply in the frontend there are not add ons and one should expect that when a parent forum is private that all in the forum is safe. Not I guess? Or is there a way to get this configured?

    I found a temporary way around it for now (next to turning of the search totally), I have added the Groups plugin and set the „groups_read_post” filter on forum/topic AND replies now to ensure that the replies are not found in the search. But this is not doable on the long run as it means that I manually need to alter each frontend reply in the backend and mark it as „groups_read_post”.

    What can I do to get this permanently fixed and how can I be sure that these replies are not picked up by search engines?

    Thanks very much to whomever takes the time to read this and help me figure this out.

    Kind regards,
    Wordpress 3.4.2.
    bbPress 2.2.2
    Theme Respo

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  • @jaredatch


    Hmm, I haven’t tested this so I can’t say, but it definitely sounds like an issue. Maybe someone else can chime in and try to duplicate it.

    This is probably happening because the default WordPress search isn’t looking at information bbPress stores when it makes things as private. WordPress just grabs results from all post types that are supported, makes sure they are published, and runs with it.

    This doesn’t help your current situation, but I just wanted to say the search is something we are trying to address in 2.3.

    Having bbPress search results come up in the regular WordPress search is weird, and leads to problem such as this, which is why bbPress topics/replies are not searchable by default. To skirt around this problem, we are likely going to make a bbPress specific search with its own search results page. This will give us more control over how the results are returned and make sure stuff that should be hidden doesn’t show up.



    Sounds like a problem with the search plugin that you’re using. Like @jaredatch said, we’re working on Search in 2.3, so hopefully this becomes a non-issue.



    Thx for getting back on this. To clarify, the results DO NOT show up in the standard WordPress search, only if I add the bbPress results to is by using a bbPress search plugin.

    These use the provided results from bbpress, and I understand now that this is an database with all data in it, not specified by private and open. So for me now it is a question of making each comment for group read access or giving no option to search in forum until you have embedded an official search in bbPress?



    Is the whole search function now integrated so I can use it on my site? And then making sure that the private topics are not coming up?



    Hi. I’m still experiencing this – posts in private group forums show up in bbpress forum search form widget. When’s a fix due guys?

    Buddypress 1.7.1
    bbPress 2.3.2
    WP 3.5.1



    I am also still experiencing this. I did post it in BuddyPress support as I didn’t know whether it is an issue with BuddyPress groups or bbPress forums.



    Are you using the official bbPress search?

    NOT the WordPress search with bbPress enabled or any of the bbPress search plugins on



    I am sorry. I have only almost the same behaviour. My error is with another widget (namely the “(bbPress) Recent Topics” Widget). I did not want to take attention away from this post. I really thought it was the same widget and therefore the very same error. Maybe they are related though, if the user logged in is misidentified and therefore the wrong topics are visible? To me it seemed as if the widget had other “user rights” or “other user ID” than needed.
    For more information on my problem with private group forum visibility please follow my link to the buddyPress support as I took it to be an error with buddyPress but probably it really is more of a problem with bbPress.




    What’s up with this issue folks? I’m using the “(bbPress) Recent Topics” Widget also for clarity.



    Has anybody the same problem? For me this is makes the forums unusable because I can not let Users see Posts that are specifically not for their eyes. Could anybody reproduce the error or would like to know more specifics to reproduce it?



    Not sure if it’s related, but here goes:

    I’m not using Recent Topics and Private and Hidden forums does not appear in search results for me.

    I do however have a couple of “private” forums that I’m restricting access to with the “Members” + “Tehnik BBPress Permissions” plugins, and with those the protected posts and replies appear in the search results.

    I’m also using “bbPress – Private Replies” and “bbPress – Private Topics” (same as “Private Replies” but modified to work on topics) and that combo is able to hide the private content from the search result.

    Another equally serious problem is that when a user uploads and attaches confidential images or data to a post and marks the post as private, the post is correctly hidden but the files are accessible to all users in the media manager. I have been unable to restrict access to the media manager.

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