Replace comment system with forum posts
I have the same question. The latest mod post regarding bbSync said “it’s broken right now.” Any other options?
Ideally, I would like a new WordPress post to create a new forum topic and for all comments to be handled by bbPress. Possible?
I always scratch my head at this one and ask myself “what’s the point?”
Not trying to sound like an ass, but I really do not understand why.
Logically I think to myself that if you really want it to work that way, then why even use WordPress at all? Just use bbPress and have a forum sans all the blogginess.
That’s a fair question, John. Blog apps are great if you want a place for a few privileged people to talk about what’s on their minds. Blog apps are not so great at managing discussions and comments from readers. Forum apps are great managing users and discussions. I considered dropping WordPress for bbPress altogether, but bbPress (and most forum apps) lacks many of the other features I want; listing of posts with full or summary text on the front page, image management, static pages, related posts plugins, etc.
How do people maintain and track their own conversations on the blogs they visit? Outside of third-party services like CoComment, it’s very laborious. Bookmark each page you post a comment on? I guess that works.
Really I’m just looking for a way to encourage discussion and make it easier for people to stay involved. You’re right, maybe I need to rethink my strategy altogether.
I did a little more searching and found a WordPress plugin that does almost exactly what I want with Vanilla: Janine for Vanilla
That makes sense, and I think it’s a really good way to say that neither platform has 100% of the things that anyone wants, hence the pluggable nature of them.
It sounds to me like you want BuddyPress without the WordPress MU capability, which is totally possible to do. I’m in the process of mirating a WP/BP integration to BuddyPress myself, and I think it’s exactly what I’ve been trying to modify WP/BP to do with plugins and hacks.
WPMU and BuddyPress look pretty slick. Thanks for the tip. Is there a BP plugin that allows users to track their comments, or is it a core function?
Let me know how the migration goes.
i am also looking for something similar. we used to have janine running when we used vanilla, and it was excellent.
Hey Circuit, good to know Janine worked for you. Why did you drop Vanilla?
hey rowoot, i do not think you can bbSync to replace my wordpress comment system with forum posts, but it doesn`t seem to work with wp 2.6.3 + bbpress 1.0a2. well if there is i too would like to know about the same.
we dropped vanilla because of lack of support. things were going out of date when wordpress was being upgraded so the integration was starting to break. we also need PMs and the system on vanilla was extremely unsecure. we’re much happier with bbpress as it’s a lot easier to customise.
circuit, thanks again for the insight. are you running bbsync or just running bbpress exclusive of your wp install?
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16 years, 3 months ago
I have tried bbSync to replace my wordpress comment system with forum posts, but it doesn`t seem to work with wp 2.6.3 + bbpress 1.0a2.
I wanna redirect my users to my forum instead of the comments section
Is there any other way to do it ?