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Removing "Started by:"

  • @storm72087


    Hi guys,

    I’ve been searching through the forum, and google, on how to remove the “Started By: User” line under the topics, with no success. Could anyone point me in the right direction? Thank you!

    – Storm

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  • @robin-w


    Ok, you need to do the following

    If you have a child theme, then do this in there

    If you don’t have a child theme, then seriously consider creating one, it’s very quick and easy, and will ensure that changes you make don’t get lost on theme or bbpress upgrades. Just google wordpress child theme videos and you’ll get lots of help.

    In your theme create a bbpress directory

    then copy

    wp-content/plugins/bbpress/templates/default/bbpress/loop-single-topic.php to this directory so that you have

    Edit this file to delete line 60 which says

    <span class="bbp-topic-started-by"><?php printf( __( 'Started by: %1$s', 'bbpress' ), bbp_get_topic_author_link( array( 'size' => '14' ) ) ); ?></span>

    and save.

    bbPress will now use the file in your theme’s bbpress folder instead of the default, and you won’t lose your change on bbpress upgrades – but will it it is in your main theme, so if you don’t create a child theme, keep a note of what you changed, as if your theme updates, then you may/will lose the bbpress folder and file.



    Thank you Robin! You’ve been great help.



    great – glad you’re fixed

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