If you go into your bbPress settings, I believe if you uncheck “Allow topic and reply revision logging” that should disable it.
Thank you very much that does indeed seem to have disabled it as I edited the same piece and saved it and it has not been logged.
However, is there any way I can remove the logs which already exist there? Sorry if this is not an appropriate question – I am a newbie.
Same issue here. I disabled it, but it still shows 14 edits and makes the post look like crap…the exact reason why I was editing it to begin with.
I wanted it to look perfect. I really would like to get rid of old logs. Or is it best to just copy everything out, delete the post and then create a new post? Yikes. Any help would be much appreciated.
btw…is anyone here? the post above has been sitting unanswered for 2 weeks. poor Biswadip ain’t getting NO LOVE!
Please help me out. I’ll withdraw from the Middle East.
I would suggest creating a backup of your database before performing this. Once you have a backup create a PHP file and paste the below code in it:
$posts = get_posts(‘post_type=revision&post_status=any&numberposts=-1’);
foreach($posts as $post)
echo “{$post->post_title}n”;
Place the file in your WordPress root folder and load the file in your web browser by typing {domain}/{filename}.php
It should output a list of revisions that were removed.
Thanks TSCADFX. I appreciate it. You ROCK! Have a great weekend and more.
Way is suggested above deletes all revisions, even for your blog posts. Easier to modify the theme to not include them.
This is true and I should have mentioned that when I posted the code just as a precautionary measure but for me it’s not about looks it’s about database efficiency. Therefore, removing any and all revisions is good once you know that it’s safe to do so.
Unfortunately BBPress stores it’s revisions without anything different from that of a post. Here’s a revised version of the code should you only want to delete one forum topic revision as that’s really the only other way beside hiding the code.
And for those that just want to hide the code edit your theme css and use this:
.bbp-reply-revision-log {
display: none !important;
If you’d like to just remove revisions from a single forum topic use this in the same manner as my previous post and modify {post title} to reflect your topic title exactly how it’s shown, with spaces.
$posts = get_posts('post_type=revision&post_status=any&post_title={post title}&numberposts=-1');
foreach($posts as $post)
echo "{$post->post_title}n";
Hope this helps clarify and remember to always make a backup as the script does modify your database.
agree with TSCADFX,
just hide using css 
.bbp-reply-revision-log {
display: none;
I like the “display:none” fix in theme. Perfect. Thanks TSCADFX
I have the same problem and am trying to change theme css as suuggested by TSCADFX. That is, added :
.bbp-reply-revision-log {
display: none !important;
in my child theme….
Doesn’t work :-(..any idea what I am doing wrong and how to resolve will be highly appreciated !!
my style pack plugin will let you do that
bbp style pack
once activated go to
dashboard>settings>bbp style pack>topic/reply form
Thanks much @Robin W …seems to have done what I needed. There are MANY other features therein !…tried some- like color of content etc. but don’t seem to work at my end…
go to the ‘not working’ tab to investigate.
Some themes and plugins overwrite my settings, not much I can do about that