sorry but Its not working
Is there another way ?
For example, put in the code style.css ?
Did you paste the code into a my-profile-fields.php file, and move it into your my-plugins directory… then activate the plugin?
I paste this code
into my-profile-fields.php file
into my-plugins
but its not working !!
this code :
Plugin Name: My Profile Fields
Description: My profile fields for my lovely forums
Version 1.0
function my_profile_fields( $fields ) {
/* This removes the Occupation profile field: */
unset( $fields );
/* This adds a new optional field called Favourite Band: */
$fields = array(0,’Favourite Band’);
/* This adds a new *required* field called State: */
$fields = array(1,’State’);
/* You must return the array at the end of the function: */
return $fields;
add_filter( ‘get_profile_info_keys’, ‘my_profile_fields’ );
Did you activate the plugin via your dashboard?
The Occupation field should have disappeared, and two new fields appeared… is that the case for you?
is that the case for you?