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remove user Forum Role

  • @newtech1


    When a user posts a topic under their profile image it lists their Forum Role. I do not want this to be displayed. What file would I edit and what would be the edit I need to do to remove this?

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  • @newtech1


    I found these two different codes that is supposeto what I want (I do not want moderator or keymaster roles shown in forntend), but when I insert either in the bbpress functions.php page nothing happens.

    function hide_role ($args) {
    $args['show_role'] = false ;
    Return $args ;
    add_filter ('bbp_before_get_reply_author_link_parse_args', 'hide_role') ;
    function role_show () {
    $displayed_user = bbp_get_reply_author_id() ;
    $role = bbp_get_user_role( $displayed_user);
    if ( bbp_is_user_keymaster($displayed_user) ||$role == 'bbp_moderator') $args['show_role'] = true ;
    else $args['show_role'] = false ;
    return $args ;
    add_filter ('bbp_before_get_reply_author_link_parse_args', 'role_show' );

    I also do not want IP address shown for anyone on the frontend. (Yes even for moderators ND KEYMASTERS)



    I found this code to remove IP address:

    function vvd_no_view_ip ($author_ip, $r, $args) {
        return __return_empty_string ();
    add_filter ('bbp_get_author_ip','vvd_no_view_ip', 10, 3);

    I was in wrong functions.php file. Did not realize I needed to do these edits in my theme functions.php.

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