The two links you quote are from a very old version, now defunct.
go to
dashboard>settings>forums and you will see the forum root slug and underneath that ‘Forum Prefix’ – untick this
Many thanks! 🙏 Will it create any problems changing it or why is this function like this (wouldnt everybody like it unticked I mean?)?
I see though that my custom forum root disappears and only “forum” shows in the url with that unticked. Is it possible to make it the other way around – so that the “forum” disappears and my custom forum root is showing?
Will it create any problems changing it or why is this function like this (wouldn’t everybody like it unticked I mean?)?
It should not create problems if you untick.
the forums part just gives a consistent custom post structure so you have
If you are running multiple forum platforms (eg bbpress alongside say wpforo or asgaros etc. – say you are transitioning), then this structure makes sense.
My personal view is that only site admins ever worry about urls. When was the last time you looked at a url for a site you were visiting.
I just visited Amazon, and this is the url I get
hardly pretty, but do I care one jot – ummmm… no I am interested in content, not the url 🙂
haha makes sense when you say it! 😂👍