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Remove “Forum” from BuddyPress group creation step

  • @quantum_leap


    I want to remove the “Forum” step from the BuddyPress group creation step but keep the group forums active. I have tried many solutions but I can’t seem to find a filter I could use.

    For example, this code:

    add_filter( 'groups_create_group_steps', function ( $steps ) {
        unset( $steps['group-settings'] );
        return $steps;
    } );

    removes the group settings from the group creation process.

    This code:

    function buddydev_remove_group_admin_settings() {
        if ( ! bp_is_group() ) {
        bp_core_remove_subnav_item( groups_get_current_group()->slug . '_manage', 'group-settings', 'groups' );
        // reattach screen function to avoid 404.
        add_action( 'bp_screens', 'groups_screen_group_admin', 3 );
    add_action( 'bp_template_redirect', 'buddydev_remove_group_admin_settings', 1 );

    removes the group settings from the Group “Manage” menu.

    Using this:

    function remove_unwanted_group_creation_steps() {
        global $bp;
        if ( isset( $bp->groups->group_creation_steps['forum'] ) ) {
            unset( $bp->groups->group_creation_steps['forum'] );
    add_action( 'bp_before_create_group_content_template', 'remove_unwanted_group_creation_steps', 9999 );

    removes the step but leaves the /create/step/forum/ step active, thus messing with the custom number of steps I have.

    Can you please help?

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  • @robin-w


    probably a question for the buddypress support forum



    But the integration code resides inside bbPress. If it was core BuddyPress filters, it would be much simpler, don’t you think?



    But the integration code resides inside bbPress– not sure what you mean – the filters you quote are all buddypress or possibly buddyboss



    I don’t have BuddyBoss installed. bbPress provides integration code that injects the “Forum” tab inside the group creation process. Normally:

    add_filter( 'groups_create_group_steps', function ( $steps ) {
        unset( $steps['forum'] );
        return $steps;
    } );

    or something of that sort would have solved the issue. I was wondering of bbPress injects the tab in a different way.

    I would appreciate if you could forward that to one of the devs, since you are a Mod, Robin, otherwise, thanks for the help.

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