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Registered Users anonymous posting ability

  • @mithrandir786


    I would like to integrate anonymous posting for registered users with my bbPress forum. ie. logged in users should have the ability to be anonymous if they choose to do so. The entire board is private and requires membership so guest posting is not an option.

    I have searched high and low for a plugin yet no luck. In my particular case, there are certain members who are embarrassed to post certain topics or questions, anonymous posting would give them the freedom to ask and participate without being judged by the community.

    I was hoping someone could offer there expertise and give me a nudge in the right direction, as to what would be the best way to develop such a feature, regarding which functions and files of the bbPress core i should be looking at. I am relatively new to php and programming in general and any advice/guidance would be a huge help for me.

    Thanking you for your time and help

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  • @robin-w


    suggest you set up a user called say ‘anon’ and let users know the password. That way they can log onto the site with that name and be anon



    suggest you set up a user called say ‘anon’ and let users know the password. That way they can log onto the site with that name and be anon

    Thank you very much for replying,

    I understand, I was hoping to integrate a more seamless experience for the users; the members of this board are not very tech savvy, as they have difficulty with basic tasks such as navigating a forum and remembering their own passwords. In this particular case, I don’t believe it would be a favorable solution.

    I am currently struggling to implement such a feature, which is admittedly *slightly* above my skill set, but on the bright side, I have been making progress. Hope I can post back later with my results. Many thanks again for your time and help.



    if you succeed (or get close) let me know. I haven’t the time to start from scratch, but if you need some odd bits, come back



    This won’t be super easy, unfortunately. Users would need to opt-in or opt-out of being anonymous (either in their profiles, or in their individual posts) and then there are a bunch of places the user account would need to be overloaded with some anonymous’esque object with hardcoded values.

    So, 3 things are necessary:

    * Profile integration
    * Topic/Reply integration
    * Per-post User override

    It’s possible, but will take a few development hours to achieve.



    @robin-w, @johnjamesjacoby

    Thankyou very much for replying,

    I am currently working on a solution, That was my initial observation aswell, regarding hard coded values. Users will be able to opt-in or opt-out by submitting a checkbox input field. I was hoping I could post back soon, once I had accomplished a (not so embarrassing) solution.

    Thanking you again for your help, and for all your exceptionally amazing work with bbPress.



    Did you end up accomplishing this? I am looking to accomplish the same thing and would appreciate if you can share what you did.

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