Register Redirection Woes
I have something funny going on.
I have this code running as a snippet:
// Redirect Registration Page function my_registration_page_redirect() { global $pagenow; // Standard Registration Redirect if ( (strtolower($pagenow) == 'wp-login.php') && (strtolower($_GET['action']) == 'register') ) { wp_redirect( home_url('/register/') ); } // Redirection after successful registration if ( (strtolower($pagenow) == 'wp-login.php') && (strtolower($_GET['checkemail']) == 'registered') ) { wp_redirect( home_url('/registration-complete/') ); } } add_filter( 'init', 'my_registration_page_redirect' );
Now, I start a browser and go to my website:
I scroll to the bottom and I see my existing username and password in the login box (but not logged in).
I hit the Register button and it goes to my registration form.
I fill it in and tick the recaptcha and hit the register button.
There is a momentary delay and it just moves to the stbndard wp-login.php page with the existing username and password prefilled. I get no emails to the new account i filled in the form.
So, I hit back in my browser and my new account is filled in the form. I tick the recaptcha again and hit register again. This tie, after a delay, it takes me to my registration complete page and I do indeed get the email re: password and account activation.
I thought I had understood the registry redirection correctly so why do I get the initial issue? It has happened twice for me now.
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