Not possible yet as trackbacks aren’t yet implemented in bb. But I’ll add it to bbSync when it’s possible.
OMG you mean there is actually someone who wants the xml-rpc pingback feature in 0.83? LoL !
I guess I have trackback jealousy, all I ever got was spammers.
Prior to implementing bbPress we found that between Bad Behavior and Akismet we just didn’t have a sproblem with comment spam. Of course, if we are ever able to redirect trackbacks to bbPress that could change but I don’t why it should.
17 years, 7 months ago
I assume most people are using bbPress to replace comments in WordPress. At least that is what we are doing. We’d like to redirect trackbacks to the corresponding bbPress thread instead of comments in WordPress. Has anyone already done that? Or is there a plugin that does it?