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Recent topics/replies from private forum are not displayed in widget. Why?

  • @valery-kondakoff



    One of the forums on my site is set to ‘private’.

    Recently I noticed, that topics and replies from this forum are not displayed in the Recent topics/Recent replies widget for the users, which role is set to Participant. Topics/replies are visible in the widget if I change the users role to Moderator.

    If there is a way to display them to the Participants?

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  • @valery-kondakoff


    WP 4.6.1
    bbPress 2.5.11-6121



    Ok, have found this:

    The repair tool “Recalculate private and hidden forums” has a bug in it 🙁

    When that repair tool is run private and hidden forum are assigned both _bbp_private_forums and _bbp_hidden_forums statuses so this is why a user with the Participant role could not read a private forum as after that tool had been run it was also been given the hidden status also.

    The workaround for this is to do exactly what you did by “changing each forum from Private to Public back to Private” as this doesn’t touch the broken repair tool and sets the visibility status correctly.

    So, “changing each forum from Private to Public back to Private” fixed my issue.

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