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really not sure bbpress is any good

  • @foxchx


    I really am starting to think i might have done a mistake with going for BBpress…

    questions I have about the whole thing:

    – appart from using the same DB for user (wordpress+bbpress) is there a good reason for using BBpress?

    (it seems very limited, i keep getting errors form the official site(usually not a good sign))

    – can bbpress be inserted into my wordpress page? (i think i read it cannot but still can’t believe it)

    (I would like to have that very limited forum(bbpress) inside my wordpress otherwise i’ll go with a full on phpbb, if it’s the same thing??!!)

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  • @chrishajer


    rescued from Akismet



    > – can bbpress be inserted into my wordpress page? (i think i read it cannot but still can’t believe it)

    Not really. You would need to create a theme for bbPress that looks like your WordPress theme.



    you can use your WordPress theme for bbPress pages –




    btw – what does “rescued from Akismet” means



    Akismet accidentally marks regular posts as spam.

    Some of your posts are getting auto spammed.



    I have a similar question. I’m finding that the translations to my language (spanish) are quite poor, and it seems most of the plugins are pre-version 1, so I’m missing a lot of functionality (like user avatar, which should be there from the start!!!).

    So I wonder, besides sharing users (which is not a big benefit for my implementation), is there any other reason why bbpress + wordpress is a better option than any forum software + wordpress???



    bbPress has 3 things going for it:

    1) It can integrated a single signon with a wordpress install

    2) It’s very easy to ‘theme’

    3) It’s totally open source and easy to code for

    If you like these, then bbPress is for you. If these things are not enough (and for most people they’re not) then bbpress is not for you.

    It’s also wrong to say that bbPress is missing alot of functionality. that’s purely down to your perception of what YOU think a forum should have. bbpress documentation is shockingly thin on the ground, so if it doesn’t do what it claims to do – tell us :) But don’t judge it because it doesn’t do something it doesn’t claim to – you’ll never find the software that fits your needs that way.

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