now is how I can get BBpress to use wp-login
Oops. I might confuse people with this line.. what I mean that is that if people dont have enough permissions with the registered only plugin that they can redirected to
/wp-login ^^
Well vbulletin is king-of-the-hill for a reason, many years of development, but it costs, costs, costs for everything.
But like I keep trying to suggest around here, bbpress’s easiest audience will be wordpress users, then next anyone who wants a more custom forum that doesn’t just have a vertical “brick” style.
In any case, if you poke around here you’ll discover there are have a dozen hacks and plugins you will need to make wordpress and bbpress work together more perfectly, but they are available and “proven” at this point. Look for the integration tag. I’ve been meaning to try to put them altogether in one post but keep getting distracted with stuff like paying the bills so the lights (and computer!) stay on… LOL
Forcing all logins through wordpress is possible (I do it on two sites now) but it requires a little bit of core hacks, which means the next time you upgrade it will have to be hacked again.
Forced login for entirely member only forums is also very possible, I believe there is a specific plugin or hack around here for it.
Hey man.. thanks for your reply. And yes I’ve went extensively through all the hacks. (By the way you made some wicked ones… without your contributions bbpress wouldnt be so awesome)
Vbulletin might have been around for a very long time but its so generic it makes my head hurt. Every vbulletin site you come across looks the same and its pretty hard to customize. Sure you can edit the templates quite heavily but it still heavily depends on tables and executes one massive css file.. even though most of their style attributes is stuck on tables @_@ Sure bbpress uses tables but definitely in a more elegant way.. (frankly I wouldnt want any tables on my page to start with.. will make a theme later thats css only)
I like the idea of having a very small bare bone forum install that can be extended from there.. I’m sure in no time the plugins will be in the core where its just a matter of switching it on in the admin panel. Either way, the plugins are pretty easy to install anyway.
As for my problem.. I made a relatively elegant fix! 
add this at the top of your header.php
<?php if ( !bb_is_user_logged_in() ) { ?>
<?php } ?>
Got my site almost sorted now.. just need to find a way to make a tickbox in “post-form.php” that sets the thread to go to favourites 
As well as perhaps a tickbox next to the comment button
Actually… that wasnt such an elegant solution @_@ If logged in it redirects me to the control panel.. and when I access bbpress directly it still redirects
Maybe its because I dont have an ifelse going on.. not sure.
Out of curiosities sake.. isnt there a way I can disable the wordpress control panel for subscribers and have them redirect to the bbpress profile page? That would be awesome…
infact.. when a user logs into wp-login.. I’d like to know whether I can set the redirect to any custom location without having to add the ?redirect_to=%2F after wp-login.php
Found a plugin
“Plugin Name: Force Login
Description: No one can see your forums unless they are logged in.
Plugin URI: https://bbpress.org/forums/topic/117
Author: Michael D Adams
Author URI: http://blogwaffe.com/
Version: 0.8″
It redirects the user to the templates /login.php.. its nice but I’d really like it to go to wp-login, but only if I can figure out why its constantly redirecting to the control panel and why it wont let me anywhere else >_> apart from the blog, ofcourse.