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Real age verification access control?

  • @tobias-claren


    Is there a real age verification for the forums?
    So not just “Are you 18?”, but a control via an ID, etc..
    The less work for the operator, the better.
    So e.g. depending on the country automated age controls.
    E.g. via the number of the state “identity card”, as it exists in many countries.
    But also the least possible effort for the user.

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  • @robin-w


    nothing I know of



    May I assume that if you do not know, there is no such plugin 🙂 ?
    If there is not, please alternatives.
    E.g. simplified upload of a photo of an ID card.
    Ideally, the photo is deleted automatically afterwards.
    Or secured in an encrypted database with its own password.
    But I would prefer not to receive this data as a photo.

    Or if necessary an age verification for wordpress.



    bbpress just uses wordpress registration and login, so you can use any wordpress plugin that would do that.

    I googled and got this list

    8 Best Age Verification Plugins for WordPress



    It seems like there is no real age verification involved.
    They all just ask for age.
    You can lie about that.



    most 10 year olds can fake a photo ID – there is no real way to verify someone on line 🙂

    But if you find or create a mechanism, in the spirit of open software, do come back and let us know

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