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Random Replies being marked Pending

  • @brightenyourview


    I am having an issue where sporadically replies are being marked pending. I have no moderation settings to blacklist anything. Does anyone have any ideas what the cause would be?

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  • @ajtruckle


    Do your posts have links in?



    Yes one of them had external links



    Go to Settings | Discussions and increase the limit for allowed links. Or switch off moderation altogether by adding this to your child theme functions.php or add a snippet:

    // ==============================================================
    // Switch off bbPress Forum moderation
    add_filter( 'bbp_bypass_check_for_moderation', '__return_true' );
    // ==============================================================



    I am also seeing this problem. I added @ajtruckle code to my childs function.php and will see if it helps. frustrating as bbpress dont email admin about pending posts/topics or replies so hard to keep track. hope the code works until they get it sorted out.



    I’m also starting to have a similar problem. Some posts (rather than replies) are being held for moderation. It would be awfully helpful if bbPress could email the admin when this happens, rather than the admin having to spot hidden posts.

    This never used to happen before. I had no words in my moderation list or blacklist in comments, and a maximum of 2 links specified in the Discussion settings. A post just got held earlier today with only one link in the post, so I don’t know why this is happening. I’ve experimented with increasing the number of links allowed.

    I will also consider the code snippet above – thanks for that.



    It would be awfully helpful if bbPress could email the admin when this happens, rather than the admin having to spot hidden posts



    Thanks John!



    the same situation occurred after upgrading to 2.6. Increasing the number of spam links helped.
    Pay attention to posts with quotes – there is at least 1 link to the source and there may be more links-the picture is also considered as a link!

    by default, 2 links are not enough.



    Is this code can I using in functions.php? Not in the child theme…



    Another problem with pending replies is that the user does not get the message “This reply is pending moderation.”
    At the same time, when a topic is put to moderation, the user gets the message “This topic is pending moderation.”
    Can you fix this that the users would get the message “This reply is pending moderation.” ?





    Does anybody know if bbPress – Moderation Tools tool is still supported or if there is an alternative that is as good ?

    Seems to have been abandoned



    It still works, many plugins do not have active support, they are written and put out there for others to use if they find them helpful.



    Thanks Robin, I will try the plugin



    You are right to be wary of ‘old’ plugins, and not just install without thinking about it, but this one just hooks to stable bbpress code elements.






    🙂 🙂



    Ok, so as a follow up, I am glad to say that I received my first (Moderation: Flagged reply) today as a post was held as pending and I was notified by email

    bbPress – Moderation Tools tool still works, 😉




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