‘how to quote a post or comment without using any plugin.’
you could try using a Ouija board, but otherwise you will need code in either theme or plugin.
You could pay someone to cut some theme code, but of course that won’t be maintained unless you take out some sort of maintenance agreement with the author.
Adding a plugin will not make any difference in load time that anyone would notice (or indeed most software could time), and if you use caching software nothing measurable at all over theme code.
has a quotes section
Thank you @robin-w I will check the plugin you recommend.
Hi @robin-w I tried your plugin but I when I quote a post/comment it shows <p>—-</p> see the below screenshot and please help to to fix. Thanks
How to edit this?
Try to post here – https://socialmediamonetize.com/forums/topic/netflix-account/#post-10054
for this to work, you need to set the editor to visual only
dashboard>settings>bbp style pack>Topic/Reply Form>item 9 and set to Visual Editor Only
thank you @robin-w 🙂
Hi @robin-w where can I edit the font size and color – https://scrnli.com/files/uVd5P3ig5VebsQ
put this in the custom css of the style pack plugin.
#bbpress-forums span.bbp-admin-links a, #bbpress-forums span.bbp-admin-links { font-size: 13px; }
great, thank you boss 🙂
Anyway do you know some solution on how to migrate topics from wpforo to bbpress? Thank in advance
Hi @robin-w I tried to put the code but nothing change. See below screen shot.
screenshots don’t work
ok, it could be due to loots of things, not possible to resolve without site access top a live example.
But try accessing from a different browser (maybe cache on your browser), or clearing cache on your site if you have it.
otherwise try :
#bbpress-forums span.bbp-admin-links a, #bbpress-forums span.bbp-admin-links { font-size: 13px !important; }
Hi @robin-w everything doesn’t work 🙁
I tried in different browser and clear cache but nothing change.
My Website – https://go.zazomo.com/
not sure I can help further, as these items are only shown to moderators or above, and I have no wish to do individual site design 🙂
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1 year, 4 months ago
Hi, I just made a forum using bbPress but there is no function on quoting certain post/comment.
Can someone guide me please how to quote a post or comment without using any plugin.