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Question to Matt Mullenweg about bbPress & multiple forums

  • @_kb_


    Reference to your post # 71333

    _KB_, could you start a new thread with any outstanding questions you have?

    First of all thanks for giving me a chance, I’ve a question and some thoughts! hope you’ll like it.


    About Multiple Integration? (One WordPress Vs Multiple bbPress Standalone)


    Currently people are just able to set integration with one wordpress to one bbpress install,If they want to run multiple boards then they are stick to install multple bbpress installs, after that they are just unable to set cookies integration over multiple boards ( Shared users integration and database integration works perfect, its not a big deal!). Yep, You’ve done it!, If I login to my then I don’t need to login again to WP Blackberry, WP iOS, or WP for Android Forums, I can still see my online status there. Can you shed some light how did you set it? ( Just Cookies integration over multiple boards).


    #-1:- Please don’t kill the bbpress standalone version, after bb-plugin’s announcement. Because sometimes some people just want to run a 100% community board ( without wordpres or any other platform), then this bbpress standalone version will be perfect for their needs.

    #-2:- bbpress-plugin version should have a functionality; One bbpress per blog in wordpress mu

    #-3, For standalone it may call BBMU.

    Thanks, I’m really curious for your response.


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  • @dimadin


    Non-plugin bbPress development is going to continue until we have a perfect importer so people will be able to bring their content out of the legacy codebase.

    So, will BBXF finally have some use?



    ashfame, I wouldn’t recommend downgrading to 0.9, it has not had updates or even a security review in a long time. If someone wants to fork it and start updating it that’s one thing, but as it stands using 0.9 is inadvisable.

    _KB_, absolutely with regards to importers for other systems. We’ve held off on any importers so far because I really didn’t feel like bbPress was ready for switchers, there was so much fundamentally broken about its experience.

    Milan, BBXF is a nice idea but, like BackPress, it’s a bit of a boil-the-ocean approach. From our point of view rather than getting every system in the world to adopt this new format, it’s better to just target importers for specific platforms as the market demands it, which has worked well on the WP side.



    Milan, BBXF is a nice idea but, like BackPress, it’s a bit of a boil-the-ocean approach. From our point of view rather than getting every system in the world to adopt this new format, it’s better to just target importers for specific platforms as the market demands it, which has worked well on the WP side.

    Every system in the world doesn’t have to adopt BBXF. Since importers will already exist, why not make importers which will create BBXF if we already have some code and “standard”?



    Just from experience, XML as an intermediary format is often much, much slower than working from someone’s database directly.

    Plus we can make it so the user doesn’t have to download/upload something, which for a large forum would be intimidating or impossible.

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