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Profile Page and Permalinks

  • @greenshady


    I finally got everything set up at Books In Bed. The Forum is working well too. Tell me what you think of it so far.

    The problems I have had are linking to a topic author’s profile page. I can get the “last poster’s” profile page link though.

    What I think I need to do is get the author’s “user id” to do this, but for some reason I can’t get it.

    Also, I’ve tried everything on this site to get pretty permalinks working (I use GoDaddy). They’ve always worked fine on my WordPress blog, but not on bbpress. The only thing I haven’t done is /bb-admin/rewrite_rules.php because I keep getting an error when I go to that page.

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  • @trent


    For the permalinks, put the following in your .htaccess file in your root and then turn mod_rewrite on in your config.php:

    Options +MultiViews

    What exactly do you want for the last poster versus the author? Explain to me like I am 5 years old because sometimes I act like it ;)




    Doing that for the permalink didn’t work for me. I’ve tried it several times.

    There are a couple of things I want to do with the “author” as opposed to the “last poster”:

    1) On front-page.php I want to put the topic author’s name under the link to each of the latest discussions.


    Link to topic

    By link to topic author

    2) On the topic pages, I want to put the name of the post, then link to the post author.


    Topic Title

    By link to topic author on Date/Time

    Rest of post……

    This type of setup is already on my forum. I’ve already got the author’s name already set up on the forum. I just need to get the author’s profile link.



    Will this work?

    <?php echo "<a href="".get_user_profile_link($member->ID)."">".$member->user_login."</a>"; ?>




    That didn’t work either. It doesn’t get the “ID number” or the “username”.



    I can’t seem to find it right at the moment, but Null had a post about this…..let me keep looking.




    Try following this post:




    Sorry, about not responding in a few days. It’s been a busy week.

    I’ve read through Null’s post, but came up with nothing. I think he made his own plugin to work with it.



    I know exactly what I need, but I don’t know how to get it. I need the “topic author id.” That’s it. Seems pretty simple, but I have no idea how to get it. Surely, there’s a way.

    I found this code on another part of the forum, except I just added <?php post_author(); ?> to get the to post author’s name. It’s a really good solution for getting the replies to the topic.

    <a href="<?php bb_option('uri'); ?>profile.php?id=<?php echo (get_post_author_id()); ?>"><?php post_author(); ?></a>

    What I need to get instead of (get_post_author_id()) is the topic author’s id, then I’ll be set. I’ve tried every variation I can think of, but came up with nothing.



    Not much help here on this one, but unless someone points it out right away here for you, try checking out some of the plugins that have been written that have to do with post author or profiles. I am sure Ardentfrost might have something in his memberlist or private message plugins that does this. As well, you can check out /bb-includes/template-functions.php for a list of functions that can be called. It has to be in there somewhere!


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