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Profanity filter or notification with Comment Moderation

  • @ttmt


    Hi all

    Can anyone recommend a profanity filter plugin for bbPress.

    I DON’T want to moderated every post

    I was thinking if the post contained a profanity (pre determined in a list for example)
    then the post would be held for moderation or the word would just be removed and the post posted.

    The wordpress built in Comment Moderation would be fine but there is no message when I word is used and the post isn’t posted.

    How does a user know the post is being moderated if there is no message.

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  • @netweb



    The above document outlines the different behaviours between adding the ‘bad word’ to the ‘blacklist’ or ‘comment moderation’ sections and what the users see, in the next release of bbPress there will be a notice if the ‘bad word’ was added in ‘comment moderation’ and the user will know that there submission is pending moderation, the blacklist behaviour will not be changing.



    Thanks for the reply Stephen.

    I really need some sort of message for the user if the post is being moderated.

    Is there an action hook I can connect a message to.

    I don’t really want to create a full plugin just a message when the posts is being moderated.



    Much of what happens when the ‘moderation’ is triggered from comment moderation has not been added to bbPress until the code I’ve added recently.

    If your comfortable with PHP you could take a look at what I have thus far in the following tickets:

    This first one handles post of what is coming for moderation:

    This second one is for the template to notify the user that there topic/reply is pending moderation, I haven’t started on this due to needing to implement everything in the above #2645 first, now that I got most of the code finished for that yesterday I plan on looking at this in the next few days.

    Keep an eye on those tickets and that should give some hints of what is happening.



    Thanks for this Stephen.

    So I’m testing the moderation as it is now. If I post with a word from the moderator list I get an error messaged saying the post carnet be posted.

    Where is this post put? Where is the moderation queue?



    The topic or reply you will only see via WordPress’ topic or reply admin sections, you’ll see them with a status of ‘pending’, you won’t see them in any form of moderation queue in the front end.



    I have two users set up – a Keymaster and a Participant

    I have words in the moderation box.

    As the Participant I can create a topic, if I use the moderated word I see the error message and the post os not displayed.

    If I log into the WP Dashboard as the Keymanster I don’t see any topics



    There are the two cases:

    1. If you enter a ‘moderated keyboard’ that is included in the ‘Comment Moderation’ section of WordPress’ Discussion settings then the topic or reply will be marked as pending (See screenshots below). Currently no notification template is displayed that will notify the user that there topic or reply is waiting in the moderation queue, this will be fixed in bbPress 2.6

    2. If you enter a ‘moderated keyboard’ that is included in the ‘Comment Blacklist’ the topic or reply will NOT be created and a generic message is displayed “Your topic cannot be created at this time.”



    Thanks again Stephen

    Got it working now. I had the same words in comment moderation and blacklist so it wasn’t going into pending.

    Should the admin get an email when a post goes into moderation if I have E-mail me whenever A comment is held for moderation selected in the Settings > Discussion.



    Should the admin get an email when a post goes into moderation if I have E-mail me whenever A comment is held for moderation selected in the Settings > Discussion.

    I have no idea 😉

    bbPress is not currently doing this, nor have I got to the this bit in the recent code updates I have written. This is probably something we would want to iterate on further once the changes we have been making as linked above in #2589 and ‘Per forum moderation’ in #459 and how we handle notifications for not just keymasters but also specific forum moderators also.



    Stephen thanks for the great plugin — I love it! I want to second the request above: “I really need some sort of message for the user if the post is being moderated.” It’s super confusing to the user when they enter a reply and nothing happens. Any help with that would be much appreciated!

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