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Problems with theme

  • @raab


    I have the kakumei Theme and the kakumei-blue theme but can’t get it to look like the screen shot that was sent with it. Also I changed the style.css but now the header is missing and also I have a scroll bar at the top of the left side of my header near the bb logo that I cant get out. Can someone send some suggestion my way?

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  • @ashfame


    Something is messed up. Kakumei blue is calling css of Kakumei and not of itself.

    Overwrite your bbPress files with a fresh set and you should be fine



    Thank You ashfame. I have been reading alot on bbpress trying to get answer’s and it seems that there is not much information that has been volunteered on solving some of these minor problems. I use google in trying to find much of my information and I keep getting 2 main website’s. This one ( and bb

    I was reading on one thread were it stated not to upload any themes in the bbpress template file that I had downloaded and to make my own file path (my-templates). Well when I decided after a couple of days of problems to go ahead and upload file’s in the bbpress templates location the themes started working.

    I had also changed the css on the Kakumei to Kakumei-blue because I was trying to get a certain look, but them disturbed the css which then altered the template. Also I can not find a download link to either of the default template’s for some reason? If someone could help me this is the look I would like to have

    I love the simple and easy flow of this forum and that is not what either one of my default template’s looked like when I received them.

    Also on another note: Can anyone help me out with my forum logging me out of wordpress when I’m logging into bbpress? I have checked all of the wordpress Integration, cookies, and blog url’s and I even changed all of them in my default template and then in my bbpress default template as it was suggested on another site that had a tutorial.

    Hope this is not too much and it makes since.

    Thank You for the help.



    Inside the bbPress folder, you find the themes. Just upload and overwrite the previous files and you will be good to go.

    The site you mentioned is the deault blue with a little edit to the header.

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