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Problems installing

  • @hyper123


    I’m trying to install bbpress and the config file is correct. The error I receive is, if ( !function_exists(‘wp_redirect’) ) : // [WP4273] function wp_redirect($location, $status = 302) { global $is_IIS; $location = preg_replace(‘|[^a-z0-9-~+_.?#=&;,/:%]|i’, ”, $location); $location = wp_kses_no_null($location); $strip = array(‘%0d’, ‘%0a’); $location = str_replace($strip, ”, $location); if ( $is_IIS ) { header(“Refresh: 0;url=$location”); } else { status_header($status); // This causes problems on IIS header(“Location: $location”); } } endif; if ( !function_exists(‘bb_verify_nonce’) ) : function bb_verify_nonce($nonce, $action = -1) { $user = bb_get_current_user(); $uid = $user->ID; $i = ceil(time() / 43200); //Allow for expanding range, but only do one check if we can if( substr(wp_hash($i . $action . $uid), -12, 10) == $nonce || substr(wp_hash(($i – 1) . $action . $uid), -12, 10) == $nonce ) return true; return false; } endif; if ( !function_exists(‘bb_create_nonce’) ) : function bb_create_nonce($action = -1) { $user = bb_get_current_user(); $uid = $user->ID; $i = ceil(time() / 43200); return substr(wp_hash($i . $action . $uid), -12, 10); } endif; // Not verbatim WP, bb has no options table and constants have different names. if ( !function_exists(‘wp_salt’) ) : function wp_salt() { global $bb; $salt = $bb->secret; if ( empty($salt) ) $salt = BBDB_PASSWORD . BBDB_USER . BBDB_NAME . BBDB_HOST . BBPATH; return $salt; } endif; if ( !function_exists(‘wp_hash’) ) : function wp_hash($data) { $salt = wp_salt(); if ( function_exists(‘hash_hmac’) ) { return hash_hmac(‘md5’, $data, $salt); } else { return md5($data . $salt); } } endif; if ( !function_exists(‘bb_check_admin_referer’) ) : function bb_check_admin_referer( $action = -1 ) { if ( !bb_verify_nonce($_REQUEST, $action) ) { bb_nonce_ays($action); die(); } do_action(‘bb_check_admin_referer’, $action); } endif; if ( !function_exists(‘bb_check_ajax_referer’) ) : function bb_check_ajax_referer() { global $bb; $cookie = explode(‘; ‘, urldecode(empty($_POST) ? $_GET : $_POST)); // AJAX scripts must pass cookie=document.cookie foreach ( $cookie as $tasty ) { if ( false !== strpos($tasty, $bb->usercookie) ) $user = substr(strstr($tasty, ‘=’), 1); if ( false !== strpos($tasty, $bb->passcookie) ) $pass = substr(strstr($tasty, ‘=’), 1); } if ( !bb_check_login( $user, $pass, true ) ) die(‘-1’); do_action(‘bb_check_ajax_referer’); } endif; if ( !function_exists(‘bb_break_password’) ) : function bb_break_password( $user_id ) { global $bbdb; $user_id = (int) $user_id; if ( !$user = bb_get_user( $user_id ) ) return false; $secret = substr(wp_hash( ‘bb_break_password’ ), 0, 13); if ( false === strpos( $user->user_pass, ‘—‘ ) ) return $bbdb->query(“UPDATE $bbdb->users SET user_pass = CONCAT(user_pass, ‘—‘, ‘$secret’) WHERE ID = ‘$user_id'”); else return true; } endif; if ( !function_exists(‘bb_fix_password’) ) : function bb_fix_password( $user_id ) { global $bbdb; $user_id = (int) $user_id; if ( !$user = bb_get_user( $user_id ) ) return false; if ( false === strpos( $user->user_pass, ‘—‘ ) ) return true; else return $bbdb->query(“UPDATE $bbdb->users SET user_pass = SUBSTRING_INDEX(user_pass, ‘—‘, 1) WHERE ID = ‘$user_id'”); } endif; if ( !function_exists(‘bb_has_broken_pass’) ) : function bb_has_broken_pass( $user_id = 0 ) { global $bb_current_user; if ( !$user_id ) $user =& $bb_current_user->data; else $user = bb_get_user( $user_id ); return ( false !== strpos($user->user_pass, ‘—‘ ) ); } endif; ?>

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function: bb_current_user() in forums/bb-settings.php on line 146

    I got the exact same kind of error yesterday while I was trying to install wordpress 2.0.5 but was able to install 2.0.4 no problem then upgrade to 2.0.5. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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